
Editor: Kyllönen, Michaela

Weihnachten in Finnland

Lieder, Bilder und Gedichte. zweisprachig finnisch – deutsch

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 60 p., 13 illustrations b/w, 22 printed music items, 29 illustrations color, inkl. CD, paperback / softback
29,95 €

ISBN: 9783954902965
Table of Contents

Short Description

In Finland’s jubilee year, celebrating one hundred years of being a republic in 2017, these wonderful Finish Christmas tunes can not only be sung in Finish, but for the first time ring out with German translations. Background information regarding the country and its people and its composers and poets, complement this volume, which is great for anyone learning the Finish language or who is fond of the Finish culture. The CD includes a selection of the songs in different instrumentations and arrangements. The songs are presented bilingually and with sheet music. Chords for accompanists (for piano and guitar) are also given.


What does Finland sound like on Christmas, where does Santa Clause live and do elves really exist? Dive into the musical world of Finland with the songbook Christmas in Finland, sing finish poems – translated into German for the first time – along to popular folk tunes, find out worthwhile information about composers and poets alike and get into the mood for taking a walk in untouched snow-covered forests. Leaf through the pages of the book, sing along, or simply enjoy listening to the accompanying CD while baking your favorite holiday biscuits…
The accompanying CD, which is a beautiful addition to the wonderfully illustrated book, has been made by eight musicians from Vorarlberg, Switzerland and Finland. The Christmas songs depict what has moved the Finish when the songs were first sung and what continues to move them until today every year around Christmas time. It’s a perfect listening experience, which will make you want to sing along, perform the songs with a choir or simply enjoy them in the candle-lit comfort of your home.
The songbook is perfect for anyone who enjoys Nordic music, loves Finland, teaches music, likes playing music themselves, or is leading a choir. It is also a great gift to give to your Finnish friends and loved ones.
Finland will celebrate one hundred years of independence on the 6th of December and its 5.5 million inhabitants love music and poetry. In the jubilee year this wonderful musical literature will be made accessible also to German-speaking audiences, who can now listen in to what the Finish sing and dream about when it’s getting cold and dark outside, when the northern wind is howling and the entire country is being covered in snow.

Biographical Note

Michaela Kyllönen
born in 1971

Elemenary music teacher in the musicschool of Feldkirch (Austria)
Works with parents and children in groups and also with adults

Michaela Kyllönen is married to a finnish man, has four sons, who were raised in german an finnish.
She got to know Finland with 18 und studied the finnish language in order to better understand the finnish folks. Much of the inspiration for her job came from Finland and its influence. With the birth of her children she started to translate finnish songs into german, first they were children songs, later on she translated Christmassongs.


Bild (7) || Choral music || Cultural & media studies (310) || Cultural studies (292) || Finland || Gedichte (6) || Kultur (51) || Kulturgeschichte (39) || Lieder (7) || Länderkunde (4) || Music (112) || Music: styles & genres (6) || Musical scores, lyrics & libretti (27) || Northern Europe, Scandinavia (2) || Notenbeispiele (6) || Society & culture: general (417) || Songbooks (8) || Sprachlehrwerk (24) || Weihnachten (2) || Übersetzung (9)