Münchner Beiträge zur Provinzialrömischen Archäologie
Das severische Vexillationskastell Myd(---) und die spätantiken castra Madensia / Gheriat el-Garbia am limes Tripolitanus (Libyen)
II Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen im Kastell, im Steinbruch, in den Heiligtümern und am Beobachtungsturm 2009-2010
The Roman fort of Gheriat el-Garbia is located 280 km south of Tripoli in the pre-desert, above an oasis, on the central route into the Fezzan. Along with Bu Ngem and Ghadames, it...
Das severische Vexillationskastell Myd(---) / Gheriat el-Garbia am limes Tripolitanus (Libyen)
I Forschungsgeschichte, Vermessung, Prospektionen und Funde 2009-2010
In 2009/10, four seasons were conducted in the Roman fort located 280 km south of Tripoli. The focus of the interdisciplinary project, funded by LMUexcellent, was the fort, built...
Italische Terra Sigillata aus Iuvavum/Salzburg
Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs- und Handelsgeschichte des augusteischen vicus und des municipium Claudium Iuvavum
Due to its large scale distribution and chronological relevance, Italian Terra Sigillata, which was produced in large quantities in Upper, Central and Southern Italy as well as...
Relief- und stempelverzierte nordafrikanische Sigillata des späten 2. bis 6. Jahrhunderts
Römisches Tafelgeschirr der Sammlung K. Wilhelm
This study focuses on the wide range of vessel forms and decoration of the rare appliqué-decorated red slip ware from northern Tunisia, and especially the appliqué-, relief- and...
Death and Burial in the Near East from Roman to Islamic Times
Research in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt
This book is based on a German-Arab colloquium held in Amman in September 2013, where current excavation and research results on death and burial from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and...
Nordafrikanische Sigillata, Küchenkeramik und Lampen aus Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg
This study investigates African Red Slip Ware (ARS), kitchen ware and lamps from Augusta Vindelicum (Augsburg in Bavaria). Products from North and Central Tunisian pottery...
Spätantikes Kleidungszubehör aus Nordafrika I
Trägerkreis, Mobilität und Ethnos im Spiegel der Funde der spätesten römischen Kaiserzeit und der vandalischen Zeit
This study is the first to give a comprehensive account of extant dress accessories, especially brooches and belt buckles, from late ancient North Africa. In the first of two...
Der römische Militärplatz Submuntorium/Burghöfe an der oberen Donau
Archäologische Untersuchungen im spätrömischen Kastell und Vicus 2001 bis 2007
The Roman site Submuntorium/Burghöfe is situated on a plateau of a promontory above the valleys of the rivers Danube and Lech, about 30 km north of the provincial capital of...
Fibeln und Gürtelzubehör der späten römischen Kaiserzeit aus Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg
For the first time ever is the large, manifold collection of late Roman brooches and belt fittings from the late third until the first half of the fifth century AD from the...
Editor: Mackensen, Michael; Schmid, Sebastian
Die italische Terra Sigillata mit Auflagenverzierung
Katalog der Applikenmotive
Ludwig Ohlenroth, who was born in Augsburg in 1892 and died there in 1959, was not only active as an excavator and heritage conservation officer for several decades, particularly...
Der mittelalterliche Burgstall Turenberc/Druisheim
Archäologische Untersuchungen 2001 bis 2007 am römischen Militärplatz Submuntorium/Burghöfe an der oberen Donau
The archaeological site of Burghöfe is known mainly for the Roman fort and not for its medieval castle. Excavations from 2001 to 2007 established a first picture of the medieval...
Italische und nordafrikanische Lampen des 1. bis 5. Jahrhunderts
Römische Lampen der Sammlung K. Wilhelm
In addition to some Italian picture lamps of the 1st century A.D., the main focus of K. Wilhelm's lamp collection is on 41 lamps of the middle and late imperial period produced in...
Amphoren aus Cambodunum / Kempten
Ein Beitrag zur Handelsgeschichte der römischen Provinz Raetia
Amphorae played a central role in the long distance transport and trade of (mediterranean) food and other goods during the Roman period. Today they represent an excellent...
Editor: Mackensen, Michael; Ortisi, Salvatore
Handbuch der Provinzialrömischen Archäologie
I. Quellen, Methoden, Ziele
The Archaeology of the Roman Provinces is a young discipline. As an academic subject, it has rapidly achieved great successes in the field of excavation and research and has...