
Reihe A (Naturwissenschaften)

The Near and Middle East, long too poor and unimportant to be other than pawns in the power politics of this century, no longer cries out for recognition. In the past few years we have become painfully aware of the economic clout of the Near and Middle East and the political muscle connected to it. And yet our knowledge of these countries and the complex forces which determine their character has lagged woefully behind the attention we now lavish on them. The familiar stereotypes, the bazars, coffee houses, camel caravans and bedouin tents, are no longer valid. In their place we see industrial complexes, reclamation projects, irrigation systems and tourism. The old ways are being sifted through the newly awakened nationalism and the realities of contemporary civilization. Some are discarded while others come through the process unscathed to be nurtured and fostered in their own unique ways. To help supply needed information about this area which now commands our attention, scholars of various faculties at the University of Tübingen decided to pool their talents and diverse disciplines. Thus the idea was born to draft an atlas of the Near and Middle East wherein the latest research and cartographic techniques would be employed to present in a concise and lucid form the results of their separate efforts. The Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO) as the project came to be called will cover the countries from Turkey to Yemen, from Afghanistan to the Sudan, and the countries in between, i. e. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, the Gulf States,Saudi Arabia,Egypt and in certain cases Ethiopia and individual Maghreb states. In order to facilitate the ordered presentation of the contemporary and historical material,two parts, A and B, are planned. Part A covering the contemporary situation will be divided into 10 sections, e. g. orohydrography, geomorphology, climate, flora, demography, commerce and communications. Part B, dedicated to the historical dimension of the Near and Middle East, has been intentionally designed to control diachronistic depth (from the paleolithic age to the present) without losing synchronistic breadth. Here, as in Part A, 10 sections are planned, arranged however chranologically rather than thematically, wherein each section will cover one of the main divisions of Near Eastern history.
Results 1 - 20 of 28
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Uerpmann, Hans-Peter; Uerpmann, Margarethe
In cooperation with: Schöler, Stefan

Stone Age Sites and their Natural Environment

The Capital Area of Northern Oman. Part III

20.0 x 28.0 cm, 280 p., paperback / softback
88,00 €

This volume presents the data and interpretations which served as a basis for part 4 (Stone Age Settlements on the Coast of Ra’s al-Hamra. Masqat, Oman) of TAVO Map B I 8 dealing...

Series: Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO) Number: 31 Volume: 3
Hannß, Christian; Kürschner, Harald

The Capital Area of Northern Oman, Teil II

Basic features of the younger Caenozoic relief development on the seaside of Central Oman and Natural and real vegetation of the Capital Area

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 202 p., paperback / softback
52,00 €
Series: Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO) Number: 31 Volume: 2
Von Christian Hannß mit Beiträgen von Wolfgang Rähle

The Capital Area of Northern Oman, Teile I und II

I. Grundzüge der Reliefentwicklung / Basic Relief Development. II.: Basic Features of the younger Caenozoic relief development on the seaside of Central Oman and Natural and real vegetation of the Capital Area

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 416 p., paperback / softback
44,00 €
Frey, Wolfgang; Kürschner, Harald

Die Vegetation im Vorderen Orient

Erläuterungen zur Karte A VI 1 Vorderer Orient. Vegetation des Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 92 p., paperback / softback
19,00 €

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Europa auf dem Weg nach Asien - mit dieser Umkehrung eines bekannten Slogans kann man die heutige Situation...

Editor: Kinzelbach, Ragnar; Krupp, Friedhelm; Schneider, Wolfgang

Proceedings of the Symposium on the Fauna and Zoography of the Middle East

20.0 x 28.0 cm, 338 p., paperback / softback
82,00 €
Uerpmann, Hans-Peter

The Ancient Distribution of Ungulate Mammals in the Middle East

Fauna and Archeological Sites in Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa

20.0 x 28.0 cm, 176 p., paperback / softback
45,00 €
Bierkamp, Martina; Frey, Wolfgang; Kürschner, Harald

Bibliography of the Geobotanical Literarture on Southwest Asia

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 104 p., paperback / softback
15,00 €
Editor: Kürschner, Harald

Contributions to the Vegetation of Southwest Asia

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 222 p., paperback / softback
62,00 €
Barth, Hans Karl; Shata, Abdu A.

Natural Resources and Problems of the Land Reclamation in Egypt

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 154 p., paperback / softback
35,00 €
Baierle, Heinz Ulrich; El-Sheikh, Abdullah M.; Frey, Wolfgang

Vegetation und Flora im mittleren Saudi-Arabien (at-Ta`if bis ar-Riyad)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 142 p., paperback / softback
32,00 €
Jagiella, Christian; Kürschner, Harald

Atlas der Hölzer Saudi Arabiens

Die Holzanatomie der wichtigsten Bäume und Sträucher Arabiens mit einem holzanatomischen Bestimmungsschlüssel

20.0 x 28.0 cm, 166 p., paperback / softback
68,00 €

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Europa auf dem Weg nach Asien - mit dieser Umkehrung eines bekannten Slogans kann man die heutige Situation...

Editor: Meadow, Richard H.; Uerpmann, Hans-Peter

Equids in the Ancient World. Volume II

20.0 x 28.0 cm, 334 p., paperback / softback
88,00 €

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Der vorliegende Band setzt die Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen zur Archäozoologie und Geschichte des Pferdes und...

Bottema, Sytze; Zeist, Willem van

Late Quaternary Vegetation of the Near East

20.0 x 28.0 cm, 156 p., paperback / softback
28,00 €

This volume presents a review and evaluation of the palynological examination of Near and Eastern sediment cores covering the last 30,000 years, eith the aim of reconstructing the...

Schöler, Stefan

Aktuelle und historische Seismizität im Vorderen und Mittleren Orient

Einführung in die TAVO-Karte A II 13: »Vordere Orient. Seismotektonik und geschichtliche Beben«

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 80 p., paperback / softback
19,00 €

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Europa auf dem Weg nach Asien - mit dieser Umkehrung eines bekannten Slogans kann man die heutige Situation...

Straub, Rudolf

Bodengesellschaften des Vorderen Orients

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 106 p., paperback / softback
22,00 €
Kürschner, Harald

Der östliche Orta Toroslar (Mittlerer Taurus) und angrenzende Gebiete

Eine formationskundliche Darstellung der Vegetation Südost-Anatoliens

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 146 p., paperback / softback
32,00 €
Alex, Michael

Klimadaten ausgewählter Stationen des Vorderen Orients

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 422 p., paperback / softback
35,00 €
Erol, Oguz

Die naturräumliche Gliederung der Türkei

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 258 p., paperback / softback
32,00 €
Kürschner, Harald

Vegetationsanalytische Untersuchungen an Halophytenfluren Zentralanatoliens (Türkei)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 80 p., paperback / softback
35,00 €
Kürschner, Harald

Vegetation und Flora der Hochregionen der Aladaglari und Erciyes Dagi, Türkei

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 232 p., paperback / softback
39,00 €
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