Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen
The Stone and Metal Miniature Repertoire of the Awam Cemetery Marib (Yemen)
From furniture to food, animals to architecture, manuscripts to musical instruments, most objects have been miniaturised at one time or another. This study outlines a first...
South Arabia and its Neighbours. Phenomena of Intercultural Contacts
14. Rencontres Sabéennes
The 14th volume in the series “Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen”, presents the proceedings of the 14th Rencontres Sabéennes which took place in Berlin 2010. The main theme of...
Figurale Bronzen ägyptischer und griechisch-römischer Art vom Jabal al-‘Awd, Jemen (von Robert Fleischer und Regine Schulz)· Die Felsmalereien von Djarf al-Yahudi im zentraljemenitischen Hochland. Neuere Informationen zur Palastarchitektur im vorislamisc
The first article in this volume presents 17 bronzes that came to light among the ruins of an enwalled settlement atop the Jabal al-‘Awd, a nearly 3000-meter high mountain located...
Ma’layba et l’Age du Bronze du Yémen
Ma’layba, a settlement situated in the Aden hinterland (Yemen), was occupied from the end of the 3rd millennium to the 13th century BC. Here the joint German-Russian...