
Ausgrabungen Kharab Sayyar

The work of the German-Syrian excavation team in Kharab Sayyar focuses on the exploration of an extensive Islamic urban settlement from the 9th century AD, whose importance for the reconstruction of the town’s original appearance, especially of the artistic development (stucco decorations, mural paintings), became apparent even after the first excavation campaigns. This volume on Islamic ceramic introduces the series „Deutsch-Syrische Ausgrabungen im islamischen Kharab Sayyar“ (KHS); other volumes will focus on individual excavation sectors and on the findings. A manuscript for the publication on the so-called „Great House“ (sector E) by Michael Würz is already at hand, a study by Angela Koppel on the stucco decorations in the „Great House“ and the Mosque is under preparation. Publications of the findings around the Great Mosque (Imad Mussa, 2012), the Bath (Natascha Matyschok, 2013), and an evaluation of the examination of hydraulic engineering and water management (Michael Würz, 2013) are intended to follow.
Results 1 - 4 of 4
Koppel, Angela

Die Stuckarbeiten aus Kharab Sayyar

Das Große Haus und die Moschee

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 152 p., hardback
110,00 €

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Einer der überraschenden Entdeckungen unserer Ausgrabungen im abbasidischen Kharab Sayyar war die Freilegung...

Series: Ausgrabungen Kharab Sayyar Volume: 4
Würz, Michael

Organizing an Urban Way of Life in the Steppe

Water, Agriculture, Townscape and Economy in the Early Islamic Town of Kharab Sayyar

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 448 p., hardback
148,00 €

Organizing an Urban Way of Life in the Steppe – Water, Agriculture, Townscape and Economy in the Early Islamic Town of Kharab Sayyar.
As the third volume in this series,...

Series: Ausgrabungen Kharab Sayyar Volume: 3
Würz, Michael

Architektur und Struktur des nordöstlichen Stadtgebietes von Kharab Sayyar, Nordsyrien

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 232 p., hardback
98,00 €

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Der zweite Band dokumentiert die Struktur und Architektur der Wohngebiete im Südosten der Stadt. Die...

Series: Ausgrabungen Kharab Sayyar Volume: 2
Falb, Christian

Die unverzierte frühislamische Keramik aus Kharab Sayyar, Nordostsyrien

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 176 p., hardback
78,00 €

The book’s subject is a detailed presentation of plain ceramic from the early Islamic town Kharab Sayyar in the north-east of Syria, taking into account questions of merchandise,...

Series: Ausgrabungen Kharab Sayyar Volume: 1