
Gorecki, Joachim

Die römischen Metallgefäße aus Mainz und Rheinhessen

Inklusive der Bestände des Landesmuseums Mainz ohne Provenienzangaben

20.5 x 29.2 cm, 510 p., 1093 illustrations b/w, 3 illustrations color, hardback
78,00 €

ISBN: 9783752006797
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Table of Contents

Short Description

The catalogue of 461 Roman metal vessels from Mainz and Rhine-Hesse provides for the first time a comprehensive overview of this important group of materials for the legionary site and the provincial capital Mainz and its surroundings. All known vessels and vessel fragments from museums, private collections and the holdings of the State Archaeology Department are dealt with in this volume, including those that have only survived as literature citations. As expected, by far the largest share of finds comes from the urban area of Mainz and from the Rhine, whose course partly borders the settlement areas. It should be taken into account that the distribution of finds here also reflects the excavation and collection history. As far as possible, the objects have been redrawn in reconstructive form; photographs document the actual state of preservation. Metal analyses are available for almost half of the vessels. The catalogue classifies the find material according to metal type, functional and typological criteria. Detailed information on the state of research as well as detailed chronological explanations of the vessel types go beyond a purely descriptive catalogue and anticipate parts of the planned evaluation.

Biographical Note

Born on April 17, 1945 in Wildeshausen (Lower Saxony); from 1951 elementary school in Bremen-Hemelingen, then attended the humanistic high school in Xanten (North Rhine-Westphalia), ancient languages branch; there Abitur 1965; on site intensive encounter with the Roman past of the city, resulting in the career aspiration archaeologist. 1965 - 1966 Studies of Pre- and Early History, Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. From winter semester 1966/67 continuation of studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.; choice of subjects: Auxiliary Sciences of Classical Studies/Provincial Roman Archaeology, Ancient History and Pre- and Early History; doctorate in the winter semester 1973/74 as Dr. phil. with the topic "Studien zur Sitte der Münzbeigabe in römerzeitlichen Körpergräbern zwischen Rhein, Mosel und Somme (Ber. RGK 56, 1975, 179-467). Since 1974 employee of the "Antiken Münzfundkatalog (FMRD)" at the University of Frankfurt a.M.; since 1976 permanent position as research assistant at the University of Frankfurt a.M.; responsibility for the Frankfurt Toreutikkartei, focus on ancient metal vessels; 2010 termination of employment for reasons of age. Participation in numerous archaeological projects and excavations in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Tunisia and Turkey. Numerous lectureships in Frankfurt a.M. and Marburg. Over 60 scientific publications on numismatics and archaeology


Altertumswissenschaften (135) || Archaeology (541) || Archaeology by period / region (457) || Central Europe (288) || Chronologie (4) || Cultural & media studies (310) || Cultural studies (292) || Fertigungstechnik || Funktion || Gefäßformen || Gefäßtypen || Gewichte || Landesmuseums || Landscape archaeology (125) || Mainz (5) || Material culture (58) || Maße || Metal vessels || Metallfunde (2) || Metallgefäße || Rheinhessen || Society & culture: general (417) || chronology || dimensions || function || manufacturing technology || metal analyses || vessel forms || vessel types || weights