
Editor: Teigeler, Anke

Ins Nichtwissen eintreten

Discipline of Authentic Movement

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 292 p., 11 illustrations color, paperback / softback
29,95 €

ISBN: 9783954902590
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Table of Contents

Short Description

Ins Nichtwissen eintreten enables a multifaceted access to the Discipline of Authentic Movement in the German language. The book’s aim is to convey a deepened understanding of this practice of embodied, relational mindfulness, which is anchored in compassion. Therefore, the conscious connection and resonance of the individual to herself, to the collective and to the divine are essential. Central essays by founder Janet Adler and various contributions by teachers and practitioners interweave theoretical and experience-oriented reflections on the development of witness consciousness and of direct experience. The result is a collection of essays for practitioners and anyone interested in the field, which contributes to a coherent approach to this practice of mindfulness.


The anthology Ins Nichtwissen eintreten enables, for the first time, a diverse access to the Discipline of Authentic Movement in the German language. The book allows for a deepened understanding of what this practice of mindfulness, which is anchored in the body and based on resonant, compassionate relationship, can mean for the conscious relationship of the individual to herself, to the collective and to the numinous. Through diverse contributions by teachers and practitioners as well as translations of multiple essential original texts by founder Janet Adler a collection of texts has been created, that connects theoretical and experience-oriented reflections on the development of witness consciousness and direct experience, thus contributing to a coherent general view. The 18 contributions are divided into five sections: The first part provides multiple perspectives for the understanding of the Discipline of Authentic Movement in regard to its determination as a mystical practice and vividly describes essential forms, processes and main aspects regarding its content. The following three parts shed light on the Discipline of Authentic Movement in terms of the three branches that conjoin in it and that it derives from: healing, dance/art and mysticism. The healing potential is examined under psychotherapeutic considerations regarding the significance of embodiment, presence, compassion and trust into not-knowing. Both the relevance of spiritual experience in the context of traumatic experiences and experiences with body and spirituality in the Discipline under the diagnosis of breast cancer are being explored. The creative potential is expressed by outlining the development of the Discipline of Authentic Movement in regard to dance as an artistic, creative and bodily origin. Furthermore, the practice is described in the context of the process of embodiment in visual art and is presented through works of art. `Bodywords´ speak poetry, which is born out of direct experience and which is related to different levels of consciousness. The circle is described as the form inviting for ritual in the Discipline of Authentic Movement, becoming a container and a ritual for that, which is. Comparing and distinguishing from other spiritual paths, essential aspects of mystical traditions are being identified and the Discipline is determined clearly as a western mystical discipline. Finally, the last part invites for a deepened theoretical reflection in order to contribute to further exploration of this practice of embodied relational mindfulness.

Biographical Note

Anke Teigeler
Die Discipline of Authentic Movement ist meine Möglichkeit, die vielen Facetten des Lebens und Miteinanders in Bewegung und Begleitung bewusst und vom Herzen zu erleben und ein tiefgehendes Potential für Entwicklung. Seit 1993 praktiziere
ich Authentic Movement mit Janet Adler kontinuierlich von und mit ihr lernend. Ich nehme teil am Entstehen eines Übungsweges, den ich sehr liebe. Als Teil des Teams im Circles of Four fühle ich mich mit der Weiterentwicklung der Discipline of Authentic Movement sehr verbunden. Mit dem Abschluss als Diplompädagogin, Tanzpädagogin und als Ausbildungsberechtigte Tanz-, Lehrtherapeutin, Supervisorin (BTD), Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapeutin, Certified Movement Analyst (CMA) arbeite ich in eigener Praxis. Den Übungsweg unterrichte ich seit ca. 20 Jahren vornehmlich in Gruppen und Retreats.


Achtsamkeit (3) || Authentic Movement || Bewusstseinsinseln (2) || Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama) (132) || Embodiment || Experimental psychology (4) || Gewahrseinspraxis || Körperpsychotherapie (3) || Mysticism (10) || Occupational therapy (132) || Psychology (23) || Psychology: the self, ego, identity, personality (4) || Tanz (8) || Tanztherapie (4)