
Nawe, Nicola

Musiktherapie mit Trennungskindern

Triangulierungsprozesse in der Einzel- und Gruppenmusiktherapie

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 190 p., 1 printed music items, 15 illustrations b/w, paperback / softback
24,90 €

ISBN: 9783895007323
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Table of Contents

Short Description

This book explores various psychotherapeutic intervention options with children of separation and divorce, in depth psychology oriented music therapy. Scientific foundations as well as practical relevance are included in this qualitative study.
Detailed case studies depict a comprehensive view of music therapy work with children of divorce. Their difficulties in dealing with and processing parent separation are viewed and illustrated from various perspectives. A concept for group music therapy with children of divorce is initially presented in compound modules.
A new treatment approach for working with separation and divorce centers on the concept of triangulation. This concept describes, at first in general, a child’s assimilation of experiences relating to the triangle of mother father child, a not always simple process.
In the following presented approach, the author poses the question as to how this triangulation process may change for a child when the relationship between parents no longer exists.
Music therapy and especially music therapy improvisation offers great leeway in working with triadic structures and processes. In addition to her limitations and strain, the child’s resources, with which she had mastered the experience of divorce so far, come to light.

The author additionally proposes several new terms, such as the music therapy third, and then proceeds to apply current research concerning triangulation to the field of music therapy. Consequently, she makes evident how music therapy can be indicative of triadic processes, as exemplified by musical structures of playing in which common relationship constellations are depicted.

This access, via music therapy, to childrens issues related to divorce is also applicable for other patient groups with relationship difficulties who have not been affected by parental separation. This approach, in which the author addresses a socially relevant subject, additionally offers impetus for fields non-related to music therapy.


This book explores various psychotherapeutic intervention options with children of separation and divorce, in depth psychology oriented music therapy. Scientific foundations as well as practical relevance are included in this qualitative study.
Detailed case studies depict a comprehensive view of music therapy work with children of divorce. Their difficulties in dealing with and processing parent separation are viewed and illustrated from various perspectives. A concept for group music therapy with children of divorce is initially presented in compound modules.
A new treatment approach for working with separation and divorce centers on the concept of triangulation. This concept describes, at first in general, a child’s assimilation of experiences relating to the triangle of mother father child, a not always simple process.
In the following presented approach, the author poses the question as to how this triangulation process may change for a child when the relationship between parents no longer exists.
Music therapy and especially music therapy improvisation offers great leeway in working with triadic structures and processes. In addition to her limitations and strain, the child’s resources, with which she had mastered the experience of divorce so far, come to light.

The author additionally proposes several new terms, such as the music therapy third, and then proceeds to apply current research concerning triangulation to the field of music therapy. Consequently, she makes evident how music therapy can be indicative of triadic processes, as exemplified by musical structures of playing in which common relationship constellations are depicted.

This access, via music therapy, to childrens issues related to divorce is also applicable for other patient groups with relationship difficulties who have not been affected by parental separation. This approach, in which the author addresses a socially relevant subject, additionally offers impetus for fields non-related to music therapy.

Biographical Note

Dr. dc. mus. Nicola Nawe ist Diplom-Musiktherapeutin DMtG, Studienrätin an Sonderschulen und Dozentin. Sie ist vor allem in Praxisfeldern der musiktherapeutischen Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen tätig, z.B. in einer kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Gemeinschaftspraxis sowie in Sonder- und Integrationsschulen.


Clinical psychology (140) || Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama) (132) || Medical specialties, branches of medicine (141) || Musiktherapie (125) || Occupational therapy (132) || Psychotherapy (154) || Psychotherapy: child & adolescent (16) || Scheidung || Trennung || Trennungskind || Triangulierung