The First Millenium B.C. down to the Time of Alexander the Great
Gamer-Wallert, Ingrid
Egypt in the end of the epoch (21st to so-called 31st dynasty)
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Zibelius, Karola
Nubia and Sudan. From the 25th Dynasty to Ptolemaic-Roman Times
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Zibelius, Karola
Nubia and Sudan. From the 25th Dynasty to Ptolemaic-Roman Times
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Gamer-Wallert, Ingrid
Iberian Peninsula. Egyptian and Egyptianized Finds
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Kellermann, Mechthild; Schmitt, Götz; Mittmann, Siegfried; Wüst, Manfried
Palestine. Settlement Areas of the Israelites and Davidic Empire
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Kellermann, Diether; Mittmann, Siegfried; Schmitt, Götz; Zwickel, Wolfgang
Palestine. Iron Age Settlements (ca. 1200-550 B.C.). The Kingdoms of Judah and Israel.
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Kellermann, Diether; Mittmann, Siegfried; Schmitt, Götz; Zwickel, Wolfgang
Palestine. Iron Age Settlements (ca. 1200-550 B.C.). The Kingdoms of Judah and Israel
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Bieberstein, Klaus
Jerusalem. Architectural Development
From the Early Bronze Age to the Destruction by Nebukadnezar II (3100-587/586 B.C.)
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Bieberstein, Klaus
Jerusalem. Architectural Development
From the Re-erection in the Hadrianic Period to the Eve of the Crusades (117-1099 A.D.)
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Bieberstein, Klaus; Burgoyne, M. Hamilton
Jerusalem. Architectural Development
From the Arrival of the Crusaders to the Early Ottoman Period (1099-ca. 1750 A.D.)
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Wittke, Anne-Maria; Prayon, Friedhelm; Röllig, Wolfgang; Bredow, Iris von
Eastern Mediterranean and Mesopotamia around 700 B.C.
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Prayon, Friedhelm; Melchior, Angelika; Wittke, Anne-Maria
Asia Minor from 12th to 6th Century B.C. Settlements, Sanctuaries, Finds
The Period from c. 1200 to 700 B.C.
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Prayon, Friedhelm; Melchior, Angelika; Wittke, Anne-Maria
Asia Minor from 12th to 6th Century B.C. Settlements, Sanctuaries, Finds
The Period from c. 700 to 500 B.C.
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Groneberg, Brigitte; Vallat, Francois
The Elamite Empires
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Röllig, Wolfgang
Eastern Asia Minor. The Empire of *Urartu (9th to 7th Century B.C.)
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Kessler, Karlheinz
The Neoassyrian Empire (720-612 B.C.) and the Neobabylonian Empire (612-539 B.C.)
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Röllig, Wolfgang; Sader, Hélène; Kellermann, Diether; Bieberstein, Klaus; Mittmann, Siegfried
Syria and Palestine before the Annexation by Assyria (732 B.C.)
B IV 14 Syrien und Palästina vor der Annexion durch Assyrien (732 v.Chr.). 1 : 2 Mio. B IV 15 Palästina unter den Assyrern (nach 732 v.Chr.). 1 : 1 Mio. B IV 16 Palästina unter den Babyloniern und Persern (587 bis 332 v.Chr.). 1 : 1 Mio.
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €
Finkbeiner, Uwe; Moon, Jane
Examples of Ancient Near-Eastern Cities. Uruk
B IV 17 Beispiele altorientalischer Städte. Uruk. 1 : 13.000. B IV 18 Beispiele altorientalischer Städte. Ur. 1 : 7.000
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €