4th century, c 300 to c 399
Editor: Stroszeck, Jutta
Das Dipylon
The Dipylon was the largest and most impressive gate of the ancient fortification of the city of Athens. The investigation is based on an exhaustive analysis of the architectural...
Panathenäische Preisamphoren aus dem Kerameikos zu Athen
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Seit Beginn der Grabungen auf dem Kerameikos zu Athen, der Staatsnekropole vor den Toren der Stadt, kommen...
Archäologische Untersuchungen zur Siedlungsgeschichte von Thugga
Die Ausgrabungen südlich der Maison du Trifolium 2001 bis 2003
This volume contains the results of the excavations that have been conducted by the Archaeological Institute at Freiburg University in cooperation with the Tunisian Institut du...
Kaiser, Senatoren und Gelehrte
Untersuchungen zum spätantiken männlichen Privatporträt
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Ein wichtiges Phänomen im römischen Porträt ist das „Zeitgesicht“, die Angleichung der Bürger an das Bildnis des...
Der römische Militärplatz Submuntorium/Burghöfe an der oberen Donau
Archäologische Untersuchungen im spätrömischen Kastell und Vicus 2001 bis 2007
The Roman site Submuntorium/Burghöfe is situated on a plateau of a promontory above the valleys of the rivers Danube and Lech, about 30 km north of the provincial capital of...
Das Buch in der Spätantike
Herstellung, Form, Ausstattung und Verbreitung in der westlichen Reichshälfte des Imperium Romanum
Modern historians describes late antiquity as a period with an own face, different from classical antiquity and Middle Ages. Development was more slowly and without crashs, also...
monumenta sanctorum
Rom und Mailand als Zentren des frühen Christentums: Märtyrerkult und Kirchenbau unter den Bischöfen Damasus und Ambrosius
This study compares the building projects, written and epigraphical testimonies, and performative actions of two outstanding figures among fourth century bishops, Damasus and...
Late Antique and Early Christian Gems
Throughout the Middle Ages, Roman gems and cameos were highly valued as intrinsically precious objects or even as possessing magical properties. During the Renaissance, large...
The Byzantine Churches of Sardinia
This book represents the first detailed study of Byzantine churches on the island of Sardinia. The buildings are described and analyzed in detail both individually and as a group....
Ehrenstatuen in der Spätantike
Chlamydati und Togati
The book investigates the iconography and chronology of the late antique toga statue and the late antique Chlamys statue. Both types of honorific statuary can only be observed...
Fibeln und Gürtelzubehör der späten römischen Kaiserzeit aus Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg
For the first time ever is the large, manifold collection of late Roman brooches and belt fittings from the late third until the first half of the fifth century AD from the...
Seals, Sealings and Tokens from Gandhara
Ancient seals say much about people, their names, preferred styles and self-esteem. Over many decades Aman ur Rahman has built a large collection of seals from North-Western...
Frühchristliche Reliquiare im Kontext von Kultstrategien, Heilserwartung und sozialer Selbstdarstellung
This study for the first time provides a comprehensive analysis of early Christian reliquaries in the context of their meaning and various uses. Taking into account all documented...
Treasures of the Ferrell Collection
James Ferrell has collected Greek and Roman antiquities for many years to satisfy his life-long interest in ancient history. His collection is particularly important for its...
Die antike Stadt im Umbruch
Kolloquium in Darmstadt, 19. bis 20. Mai 2006
This volume covers the conference “The Ancient City in Transition,” which was held in May 2006 in Darmstadt, Germany. The central theme is the change and design of urban space...
Rollenbilder in der athenischen Demokratie
Medien, Gruppen, Räume im politischen und sozialen System. Beiträge zu einem interdisziplinären Kolloqium in Freiburg i.Br., 24. bis 25. November 2006
This volume contains eight papers under a common focus: the complexity of image- and role- construction in classical Athens. The development of democracy came along with a growing...
The Apse, the Image and the Icon
An Historical Perspective of the Apse as a Space for Images
This book deals with the apse as a showcase for images in the early Christian and early Byzantine periods. Two opposed traditions, harking back to early imperial times, nourished...
Spätantike und byzantinische Elfenbeinbildwerke im Diskurs
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Aus dem Inhalt:
Arun Banerjee: Non-destructive Investigation of Ivory by FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy -...
Coins and Tokens from Ancient Ceylon
Ancient Ruhuna. Sri Lanka-German Archaeological Project in the Southern Province. Vol. 2. Ed. by H.-J. Weisshaar, S. Dissanayake and W. Wijeyapala
Coins are a principal source to elucidate both the pattern of trade between Sri Lanka and the western world in late antiquity and the island’s monetary and economic history. The...
Revised by: Krumeich, Kirsten
Archäologie der antiken Bischofssitze I
Spätantike Bischofssitze Ägyptens
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Mehr als einhundert Bischofssitze sind in Ägypten gegen Ende der Spätantike historisch bezeugt. Doch welche...