
Archaeological science, methodology & techniques

Results 1 - 20 of 26
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Ehrhardt, Norbert; Jeske, Olivia; Kaiser, Ivonne; Lölhöffel, Karoline; von Miller, Alexandra; Reichardt, Bettina
Editor: Bumke, Helga

Der archaische Heiligtumsbefund vom Taxiarchis-Hügel in Didyma

Teilband 2: Das Fundmaterial aus den archaischen Kontexten des Taxiarchis-Hügels, Teil 1

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 1380 p., hardback
198,00 €

The ›Taxiarchis Hill‹ in Didyma is the site of largely undisturbed features of votive offerings and other finds from an Archaic sanctuary. They were deposited on the hill in...

Series: Didyma Volume: III. 6 Teilband: 2
Günther, Wolfgang; Haensch, Rudolf
Editor: Bumke, Helga

Inschriften von Didyma

Supplement von Wolfgang Günther unter Mitwirkung von Rudolf Haensch

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 308 p., hardback
98,00 €

The volume presents some 300 inscriptions from a period of one millennium, from the 6th century BC to the 6th century AD which provide manifold insights into the history of the...

Series: Didyma Volume: III. 7
By Michael Crawford with a chapter on the architectural reconstruction by Philip Stinson and contributions by Julia Lenaghan, Mustafa D. Somersan, Serra Somersan and Yaşar Demiröz

Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices at the Civil Basilica in Aphrodisias

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 260 p., hardback
89,00 €

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Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices was inscribed on the façade of the city’s Civil Basilica in AD 301. The...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: XIII
Jeffery, Hugh

Middle Byzantine Aphrodisias: The Episcopal Village, AD 700–1250

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 312 p., hardback
79,00 €

This study addresses the settlement at Aphrodisias, known to its medieval inhabitants as Karia, from the eighth through thirteenth centuries. Important bodies of archaeological...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: XII
Berenfeld, Michelle L.

The Triconch House

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 160 p., hard cover with dust jacket
69,00 €

The Triconch House is a large, late antique peristyle house in Aphrodisias in southwestern Asia Minor. Previously known as the Bishop’s Palace, it is one of the best preserved...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: 11
Gering, Axel

Ostias vergessene Spätantike

Eine urbanistische Deutung zur Bewältigung von Zerfall

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 420 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

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Spätantike ist immer noch eine große Unbekannte – insbesondere auf Ebene der archäologischen Hinterlassenschaft...

Series: Palilia Volume: 31
van Voorhis , Julie

The Sculptor’s Workshop

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 192 p., hard cover with dust jacket
69,00 €

Carved marble was a major part of the economy of Roman cities. The material was supplied by local and regional quarries but little is known of the workshops in which the carving...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: 10
Ogus, Esen

Columnar Sarcophagi from Aphrodisias

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 208 p., hard cover with dust jacket
79,00 €

Aphrodisias in Caria (modern Turkey) has a remarkable body of relief-decorated marble sarcophagi of the Roman Imperial period. This monograph presents the sarcophagi decorated...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: 9
Editor: Wenig, Steffen
In cooperation with: Vogt, Burkhard

In kaiserlichem Auftrag – Die Deutsche Aksum-Expedition 1906 unter Enno Littmann

Band 3: Ethnographische, kirchenhistorische und archäologisch-historischeUntersuchungen

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 448 p., hardback
89,00 €

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Die Deutsche Aksum-Expedition von 1906 und deren umfangreiche mehrbändige Publikation von 1913 zählen...

Dähne, Burkart

Karabalgasun – Stadt der Nomaden

Die archäologischen Ausgrabungen in der frühuigurischen Hauptstadt 2009–2011

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 248 p., hardback
110,00 €

Archaeological research on settlemets of late nomadic tribes in eastern Central Asia is just at the beginning. Scientific research carried out in the Uygur capital Karabalgasun by...

Chaisemartin, Nathalie; Theodorescu, Dinu
In cooperation with: Lemaire, A.; Goubin, Y.

Le théâtre d’Aphrodisias: Les structures scéniques

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 368 p., hard cover with dust jacket
79,00 €

The book is dedicated to the Theatre building at Aphrodisias and in particular its stage building. Dated by its two inscriptions between 30 and 27 BC, the theatre’s original stage...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: 8
Grossmann, Peter; Saad (†), Zaki Yusef

Zwei kirchliche Palastanlagen in Hulwan aus umayyadischer Zeit

Grabungen der Egyptian Antiquities Organization in den Jahren 1948 bis 1949

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 200 p., hardback
69,00 €

The book deals with two ecclesiastical palaces. They were excavated by the Egyptian antiquities service in the years 1948/49 and they are dated according to the sources to the end...

Stinson, Philip

The Civil Basilica

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 284 p., hard cover with dust jacket
79,00 €

The volume is about the architecture and archaeology of the Civil Basilica of Aphrodisias, a huge public building built in the late first century AD. The book presents a detailed...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: 7
Soßna, Volker

Climate and Settlement in Southern Peru

The Northern Río Grande de Nasca Drainage between 1500 BCE and 1532 CE

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 320 p., hardback
98,00 €

The cultures thriving during the course of the millennia on the arid Peruvian South Coast between the valleys of Chincha and Yauca had a crucial impact on the history of the...

Mert, Ibrahim Hakan

Der „Korinthische Tempel“ von Knidos

Ein repräsentativer Grabbau der römischen Kaiserzeit

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 176 p., hardback
98,00 €

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Der Band stellt einen wichtigen Bau der bekannten, aber noch immer unzureichend untersuchten und dokumentierten...

Series: Knidos-Studien Volume: 2
Franken, Christina

Die „Große Halle“ von Karakorum

Zur archäologischen Untersuchung des ersten buddhistischen Tempels der alten mongolischen Hauptstadt

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 316 p., hardback
98,00 €

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Die seit dem Jahr 2000 in der altmongolischen Hauptstadt Karakotum laufenden Ausgrabungen haben das...

Iara, Kristine

Hippodromus Palatii

Die Bauornamentik des Gartenhippodroms im Kaiserpalast auf dem Palatin in Rom

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 272 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

The Hippodrome is one of the largest garden facilities in the Imperial Palace on the Palatine Hill in Rome. This monograph provides the first comprehensive analysis of its...

Series: Palilia Volume: 30
Hg. von der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Julia Gonnella unter Mitarbeit von Rania Abdellatif und Simone Struth

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 4

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 352 p., hardback
79,00 €

In 2011, the Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin celebrated the 100th anniversary of the German excavations of the Islamic-medieval site Samarra. The former Abbasid capital (836-892...

De Oscar Quintana. Con contribuciones de Raúl Noriega, Breitner González y Telma Tobar

Ciudades Mayas del Noreste del Petén, Guatemala

Análisis urbanístico y conservación

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 270 p., hardback
88,00 €

The book consists of three sections of contributions representing novel ideas focusing on the quantity, quality, and actual condition of the monumental built environment of the...

Editor: de Angelis, Francesco; Dickmann, Jens-Arne; Pirson, Felix; von den Hoff, Ralf

Kunst von unten? Stil und Gesellschaft in der antiken Welt von der »arte plebea« bis heute

Arte dal basso? Stile e società nel mondo antico, dall’ »arte plebea« ad oggi. Beiträge zu einem Kolloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags von Paul Zanker, Rom, Villa Massimo, 8. bis 9. Juni 2007

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 184 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli’s seminal article on the “Arte plebea” (1967) voiced the requirement that classical archaeology be pursued in a new way, as a critical discipline with...

Series: Palilia Volume: 27
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