Black Sea
Pirson, Felix
Ansichten des Krieges
Kampfreliefs klassischer und hellenistischer Zeit im Kulturvergleich
21.0 x 29.7 cm, 408 p., hardback
88,00 €
The study is dedicated to the visual language and the messages of reliefs showing images of battle and fight, which provided the contemporary viewers with models of explanation...
Series: Archäologische Forschungen
Volume: 31
Humbach, Helmut; Faiss, Klaus
Herodotus’s Scythians and Ptolemy’s Central Asia
Semasiological and Onomasiological Studies
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 104 p., cloth
39,00 €
The present book deals with semasiological and onomasiological questions in Herodotus's (5th century B.C.) famous portrayal of the Scythians and in Ptolemy's description of the...
Bujskich, Alla
Die antiken Architekturformen im nördlichen Schwarzmeergebiet
Herkunft und Entwicklung
21.0 x 29.7 cm, 336 p., hardback
78,00 €
The study investigates the appearance and further development of architectural orders in the major Greek colonies in the North Pontus, especially in the main cities Tyras, Olbia,...
Series: Archäologische Forschungen
Volume: 26
Olshausen, Eckart; Wagner, Jörg
Asia Minor and Black Sea Area. The Epoch of Mithradates the Great (121-63 B.C.)
72.0 x 50.0 cm, 1 p., sheet map, flat
15,00 €