
Fine arts: art forms

Results 61 - 80 of 180
Spier, Jeffrey

Treasures of the Ferrell Collection

24.0 x 31.0 cm, 340 p., hard cover with dust jacket
98,00 €

James Ferrell has collected Greek and Roman antiquities for many years to satisfy his life-long interest in ancient history. His collection is particularly important for its...

Ewert (†), Christian

Die Dekorelemente der Elfenbeinskulpturen des Kalifats von Córdoba (Mitte 10. bis Anfang 11. Jahrhundert)

22.0 x 31.5 cm, 170 p., cloth
88,00 €

The life work of the architect and art historian Christian Ewert was the investigation and analysis of west Islamic architectural adornment, from its flowering in the 10th Century...

Series: Madrider Beiträge Volume: 31
Brorsson, Torbjörn

The Pottery from the Early Medieval Trading Site and Cemetery at Groß Strömkendorf, Lkr. Nordwestmecklenburg

Forschungen zu Groß Strömkendorf III

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 150 p., hardback
29,80 €

This book is an archaeological study involving natural sciences analyses of the ceramic find material from the settlement and the cemetery of the early medieval trading site Groß...

Hodak, Suzana

Die koptischen Textilien im »museum kunst palast« Düsseldorf

Teil 2: Figürliche und ornamentale Purpur- und Buntwirkereien

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 972 p., hardback
248,00 €

The catalogue refers to the publication of the first part of the textile collection of the museum kunst palast in Düsseldorf, prepared by Karl-Heinz Brune. Presenting 276...

Brenk, Beat

The Apse, the Image and the Icon

An Historical Perspective of the Apse as a Space for Images

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 220 p., hardback
29,90 €

This book deals with the apse as a showcase for images in the early Christian and early Byzantine periods. Two opposed traditions, harking back to early imperial times, nourished...

Bühnemann, Gudrun

Buddhist Iconography and Ritual in Paintings and Line Drawings from Nepal

21.0 x 28.0 cm, 228 p., paperback / softback
34,00 €

This book is divided into three sections. The first section introduces one specific tradition of Siddhas transmitted by artists from Nepal. This artistic legacy, which is related...

Editor: Bauer, Franz Alto; Deckers, Johannes G.; Shalem, Avinoam

Mitteilungen zur Spätantiken Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 188 p., paperback / softback
39,80 €

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Aus dem Inhalt: D. Piguet-Panayotova: The Attarouthi Chalices

A. Bosselmann-Ruickbie/Y. Stolz:...

Wagner, Bettina

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog

Band 7: Register, Teil 2: Beiträger, Vorbesitzer, Buchbinder

20.0 x 28.5 cm, 576 p., cloth
428,00 €

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Die fünf Katalogbände sowie die Registerbände bilden ein unentbehrliches Standardhilfsmittel für Bibliotheken,...

Bühl, Gudrun; Cutler, Anthony; Effenberger, Arne

Spätantike und byzantinische Elfenbeinbildwerke im Diskurs

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 320 p., hardback
118,00 €

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Aus dem Inhalt:
Arun Banerjee: Non-destructive Investigation of Ivory by FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy -...

Editor: Klein, Hans-Günter

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Schweizer Skizzenbuch

26.5 x 20.5 cm, 54 p., hardback
49,00 €

In 1842 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy had the intention of travelling to the Alps again – this time along with his wife Cécile, who did not know Switzerland. When an invitation from...

Editor: Junker, Klaus; Stähli, Adrian
In cooperation with: Kunze, Christian

Original und Kopie

Formen und Konzepte der Nachahmung in der antiken Kunst

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 348 p., hardback
78,00 €

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Der Band versammelt 15 Aufsätze, die auf verschiedenen Feldern der antiken Kunst und Architektur dem Verhältnis...

Heckendorf, Renate

»Bubalin« und »Bovidien« in Südmarokko

Kontext, Klassifikation und Chronologie der Felsbilder im mittleren Draa-Tal

19.0 x 29.0 cm, 332 p., hardback
69,00 €

This book deals with prehistoric rock art (petroglyphs) from the northern fringe of the Sahara, or more precisely from the area situated between the Western Anti-Atlas, the Jebel...

Rahmstorf, Lorenz
Editor: Maran, Joseph

Kleinfunde aus Tiryns

Terrakotta, Stein, Bein und Glas/Fayence vornehmlich aus der Spätbronzezeit

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 508 p., cloth
78,00 €

This is a presentation and discussion of Late Bronze Age small finds (tools, utensils, jewellery, etc.) of terracotta, stone, bone, faience/glass from Tiryns, one of the most...

Series: Tiryns Volume: 16
Editor: Boschung, Dietrich; Trümpler, Charlotte

Ruhr Museum. Katalog der etruskischen und italischen Antiken

Mit einigen Stücken aus dem Museum Folkwang Essen

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 120 p., hardback
49,00 €

The present volume presents the about 200 objects of the Etruscans and other Italic cultures in the Ruhr Museum and some objects of the Museum Folkwang at Essen in a complete...

Griepentrog, Markus

Mulva V

Die vormunizipale Besiedlung von Munigua

22.0 x 31.5 cm, 464 p., cloth
98,00 €

Munigua, in the province of Sevilla, Spain, was populated from the 4th century BC until the 4th century AD and has been a field of archaeological research for many years. This...

Series: Madrider Beiträge Volume: 29
Mountjoy, Penelope

The Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University Collections. The Mycenaean and the Minoan Pottery

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 198 p., hardback
79,00 €

This archaeological collection comprises two complete vessels and 279 sherds of Minoan and Mycenaean pottery, that means from the time between 1575 and 1000 BC. This sherd...

Stauffer, Annemarie

Antike Musterblätter

Wirkkartons aus dem spätantiken und frühbyzantinischen Ägypten

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 248 p., hardback
138,00 €

The use of models and pattern sheets in Antiquity is still much discussed among scholars. While lost for other works of art, a considerable number painted on papyrus and used in...

Thieme, Cristina

Das Tafelbild aus der Kathedrale von Trogir

Kunsttechnologische Studien zur Tafelmalerei Dalmatiens des 13. Jahrhunderts

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 292 p., hardback
88,00 €

The panel of Trogir was created as a retabel for the high altar in the cathedral of the small Dalmatian town of Trogir at the Adriatic sea. It is considered a unique amalgation of...

Bräm, Andreas

Neapolitanische Bilderbibeln des Trecento

Anjou-Buchmalerei von Robert dem Weisen bis zu Johanna I.

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 1056 p., hard cover with dust jacket
248,00 €

Presented in this book are Latin Bibles that were illuminated during the reign of King Robert of Anjou (1309-1343) and his successor Joanna I of Naples. (1343-1382). The focus is...

Buffa, Vittoria

Ma’layba et l’Age du Bronze du Yémen

22.5 x 31.0 cm, 340 p., cloth
68,00 €

Ma’layba, a settlement situated in the Aden hinterland (Yemen), was occupied from the end of the 3rd millennium to the 13th century BC. Here the joint German-Russian...