History of architecture
Cuatrovitas (Bollullos de la Mitación, Prov. of Seville, Spain)
New investigations into the Almohad mosque and abandoned village
The publication presents an investigation into rural settlement archeology in the hinterland of Almohad Seville. Many available methods from different disciplines were used for...
Tradition and Identity: The Architecture of Greek Churches in Cyprus (14th to 16th Centuries)
This first study of the late medieval Greek churches in Cyprus investigates over 300 buildings. It addresses the historical and artistic context of these churches, the first part...
Die frühhellenistische Nekropole von Alexandria-Shatby
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Nach der Gründung durch Alexander den Großen wuchs Alexandria schnell zu einer Großstadt neuen Typs. Menschen...
Urbaner Ballungsraum im römischen Nordafrika
Zum Einfluss von mikroregionalen Wirtschafts- und Sozialstrukturen auf den Städtebau in der Africa Proconsularis
North Africa is one of the most populated Regions in the Roman Empire. At the beginning of the 3. Cent. A.D. a tremendous agglomeration of cities was located in Africa...
Editor: Stroszeck, Jutta
Das Dipylon
The Dipylon was the largest and most impressive gate of the ancient fortification of the city of Athens. The investigation is based on an exhaustive analysis of the architectural...
Das heilige Tor
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Das Heilige Tor liegt nur 42 m vom größten Stadttor Athens, dem Dipylon, entfernt und gehört ebenso wie dieses...
Das byzantinische Priene
Stadt und Umland
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Das Buch behandelt die urbanistische Entwicklung des westkleinasiatischen Priene und seines Umlandes, welches...
Der umayyadische Palast des 8. Jahrhunderts in Hirbat al-Minya am See von Tiberias
Bau und Baudekor
The book provides an art historical and archaeological study of the architecture and the architectural decoration of the remarkable early Islamic palatial residence in Khirbat...
Der Athenatempel von Priene
The Temple of Athena Polias at Priene was designed and begun by Pytheos in an epoch of classical revival under the Hekatomnid´s rule in Karia (392 – 334 B. C.). The present Volume...
Römische Gladiatorenbilder
Studien zu den Gladiatorenreliefs der späten Republik und der Kaiserzeit aus Italien
The depiction of gladiators and their combats is one of the key topics in the visual theatre of the Roman Imperial period. By examining its iconography and narrative, this study...
Das Haus XV B (Maison 49, 19) von Megara Hyblaia
Zur architektonischen und funktionalen Gliederung von Zweihofhäusern im hellenistischen Sizilien
The house XV B (also known as maison 49,19) in Megara Hyblaia, an antique small town nearby Syracuse, is one of the biggest housing complexes of Hellenistic Sicily. Spread around...
Der Turm der Winde in Athen
mit Beiträgen von Pavlina Karanastasi zu den Reliefdarstellungen der Winde und Karlheinz Schaldach zu den Sonnenuhren
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Der Turm der Winde in Athen gehört zu den eigenwilligsten Architekturschöpfungen der griechischen Antike. Der...
Antike Bauornamentik
Grenzen und Möglichkeiten ihrer Erforschung
The present book collects the results of a conference, held at Munich in 2011. The single papers deal with limits and possibilities of analysing ancient architectural decoration....
Die griechischen Säulenbasen
The column bases of about 460 Greek monuments from (proto)geometric to late Hellenistic times in the Greek home territory and on the Peloponnese, the Greek islands and in Asia...
The Byzantine Churches of Sardinia
This book represents the first detailed study of Byzantine churches on the island of Sardinia. The buildings are described and analyzed in detail both individually and as a group....
Die republikanischen Otiumvillen von Tivoli
The territory of the rural Latin town of Tibur (Tivoli) constituted one of the most important sites of Roman villa culture in the Republican period. In the summertime, Roman...
The Traditional Architecture of Ras al-Khaimah (North)
The Studiolo of Urbino – An Iconographic Investigation
The “studiolo” of Federico da Montefeltro in Urbino, the highlight of the Ducal Palace, is the most complete surviving example of an early Renaissance study. Its decorations...
Die Basilica Aemilia am Forum Romanum
Der kaiserzeitliche Bau und seine Ornamentik
The Basilica Aemilia in the Forum Romanum is one of the most important buildings of ancient Rome due to its location, size and architecture. It is also especially well preserved...
Die Baugeschichte der Sophienkirche in Sofia
The unique architecture of the Hagia Sophia Church in Sofia, Bulgaria, gives it a prominent role not only in the history of the city, which assumed the name of the church, but...