
Grimm, Ghislaine

Heldendichtung im Spätmittelalter

Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Studien zu den skriptographischen, typographischen und ikonographischen Erscheinungsformen des »Rosengarten zu Worms«

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 520 p., 22 illustrations b/w, cloth
68,00 €

ISBN: 9783895006043
Table of Contents

Short Description

Ghislaine Grimm took up her studies at the University of Würzburg in 1993, where she graduated, too. During the years of her graduate and post-graduate studies she was an assistant at the editorial department of the „Verfasserlexikon“ (an encyclopaedia of medieval authors). After finishing her dissertation thesis in 2006 she did her two years of teacher’s training and in 2008 got a job at a grammar school in Ingolstadt (Bavaria) where she is now teaching English and German.


The book investigates how the late-medieval heroic epic that evolves around a challenge Kriemhild utters towards Dietrich von Bern was perceived by medieval readers from the late 13th to the late 16th century. The text that seems quite simple and uneventful to modern readers was obviously appreciated by audience in the Middle Ages throughout a period of more than 300 years. A piece of literature that was copied and even printed and therefore read for so many generations is the ideal material for a study that tries to take its point of departure from the manuscripts as the only surviving witnesses. By looking closely at the layout of the manuscripts and early prints as well as at the other texts that were copied into the same codices and the pictures that illustrate the events of the story, the study tries to show the different possibilities of responding to and even making use of the text for certain aims. These range from a negative example of a woman who thinks to highly of her own knights and is punished to a fighting treatise that was used for educating young noblemen in the art of using arms. This broad range of interpretation or even instrumentalisation has not really been taken into account by the history of literature which classifies the ‘Rosengarten’ as a heroic epic that originates in the middle or second half of the 13th century. The discussion of the scholars who dealt with the text in the past from an interpretational point of view mostly concentrated on the questions whether it can be seen as a text promoting knightly values or if the text is critical of these same values. The close investigation of the material shows that the scholarly interpretation of the text has been rather restricted and one-sided compared to the different uses that were actually made of the text in the late Middle Ages. Putting a text back into its original context is worth while because it reveals perspectives the history of literature has to take into account. The question is not how a text can be seen from a modern point of view put how it was actually seen in the Middle Ages. My studies aim at showing that a history of medieval literature has to focus much more on how the texts were seen during their process of being passed down through the ages.

Biographical Note

Ghislaine Grimm nahm 1993 ihr Studium der deutschen und englischen Philologie an der Universität Würzburg auf, wo sie nach Magisterprüfung und erstem Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien die Promotion anschloss. Über mehrere Jahre während ihres Studiums und während der Arbeit an der Dissertation war sie als studentische und später als wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft in der Zentralredaktion des „Verfasserlexikons“ tätig. Nach Abschluss der Promotion im Jahr 2006 absolvierte sie den Vorbereitungsdienst für das gymnasiale Lehramt und wurde 2008 an ein Gymnasium in Ingolstadt versetzt, wo sie seither als Deutsch- und Englischlehrerin arbeitet.

Series Description

This series, which will comprise doctoral and professorial dissertations and other monographs as well as collective volumes, aims at highlighting and promoting interdisciplinarity in Medieval Studies even more than is currently the case. Works from all branches of Medieval Studies will be accepted, provided they emphasise the aspect of interdisciplinarity, i.e. they attempt to transgress the boundaries of any single subject.


13th century, c 1200 to c 1299 (110) || 14th century, c 1300 to c 1399 (103) || 15th century, c 1400 to c 1499 (141) || 16th century, c 1500 to c 1599 (150) || Dietrich, von Bern (4) || Drucküberlieferung || European history (219) || European history: medieval period, middle ages (172) || Fine arts: treatments & subjects (401) || Heldendichtung || History (835) || History of art (240) || Illustration (52) || Kriemhild (3) || Literary studies: general (121) || Literature: history & criticism (179) || Poetry (57) || Reihenkampfdichtung || Siegfried (3) || Typography & lettering (6) || aventiurehafte Dietrichepik || c 1000 CE to c 1500 (376) || material philology || new philology || Überlieferungsgeschichte (11)