

Results 1 - 20 of 55
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Editor: Cotticelli-Kurras, Paola; De Decker, Filip Johannes

Berthold Delbrück, Historical and Comparative Indo-European Syntax 1922–2022

Proceedings of the International Conference Delbrück Colloquium on Historical and Comparative Syntax of Indo-European, held in Verona on November 9–12, 2022

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 464 p., hardback
110,00 €

This volume contains some important studies on syntax of Indo-European languages presented at the Delbrück Symposium on Indo-European Syntax on the occasion of the 100th...

by Ronald E. Emmerick completed and edited by Mauro Maggi, John S. Sheldon and Nicholas Sims-Williams

A Handbook of Khotanese

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 360 p., hardback
98,00 €

Ronald E. Emmerick’s Handbook of Khotanese consists of two parts: an Introduction to Khotanese, and a systematic survey of Khotanese and the closely related Tumshuqese language....

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 51
Dragoni, Federico

Watañi lāntaṃ

Khotanese and Tumshuqese Loanwords in Tocharian

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 332 p., hardback
98,00 €

Contacts between Tocharian A and B and Khotanese and Tumshuqese, four languages once spoken in today’s Xīnjiāng Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China, lack a comprehensive...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 50
Indogermanische Gesellschaft

Kratylos, Bd. 67

Kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine SprachwissenschaftAnnual Review of Indo-European and General Linguistics

15.5 x 23.5 cm, 142 p., paperback / softback
99,00 €
Series: Kratylos Volume: 67
Sims-Williams, Nicholas

The Book of Zambasta

Metre and stress in Old Khotanese

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 310 p., hardback
98,00 €

The nature of Old Khotanese metre has been a matter of controversy for more than a century. Nicholas Sims-Williams presents a new metrical analysis of the Book of Zambasta, the...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 49
Editor: Nourzaei, Maryam; Jahani, Carina; Korn, Agnes

Oral Narration in Iranian Cultures

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 198 p., hardback
59,00 €

This volume presents papers demonstrating the current state of research on oral traditions among different groups in the Iranian-speaking cultural sphere. The articles offer from...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 48
De Chiara, Matteo; Septfonds, Daniel

Le verbe simple en pashto

État des lieux

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 416 p., cloth
119,00 €

In this work, the Authors provide a detailed analysis of the Pashto Simple “Naked” Verbs, i.e. all not suffixed simple verbs, and the linguistic dynamics at work still nowadays....

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 47
Editor: Malzahn, Melanie; Fellner, Hannes; Illés, Theresa-Susanna

Zurück zur Wurzel – Struktur, Funktion und Semantik der Wurzel im Indogermanischen

Akten der Tagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 13. bis 16. September 2016 in Wien

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 348 p., hardback
98,00 €

“Back to the Root” constitutes the proceedings of the 15th Fachtagung of the Indogermanische Gesellschaft, held in Vienna 13-16 September 2016. The 23 papers cover various topics...

Irslinger, Britta; Zeilfelder, Susanne
Editor: Lühr, Rosemarie

Deutsche Wortfeldetymologie in europäischem Kontext (DWEE)

Band 5: Wirtschaft

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 213 p., hardback
98,00 €

No English description available. Showing German description:
An der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig läuft seit 2007 das Projekt „Deutsche...

Suleymanov, Murad

A Grammar of Şirvan Tat

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 400 p., cloth
110,00 €

A Grammar of Şirvan Tat is a grammatical description of a dialect of Tat, a non-written Iranian language spoken in the Caucasus. The project draws on a corpus of Tat spontaneous...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 46
Sims-Williams, Nicholas

A Dictionary: Christian Sogdian, Syriac and English

2nd edition, revised and completed

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 408 p., cloth
148,00 €

Many works of Syriac literature, including some now lost, were translated into Sogdian, a language of the Iranian family. This Dictionary makes the whole material accessible to...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 41
Editor: Maggi, Mauro; Ashtiany, Mohsen

A Turquoise Coronet

Studies in Persian language and literature in honour of Paola Orsatti

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 336 p., cloth
110,00 €

Paola Orsatti is currently professor at La Sapienza University in Rome. In the course of a long and distinguished academic career combined with an impressive record of dedicated...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 45
Sabaliauskas, Algirdas
Translated by: Herrmann, Sandra

Wir, die Balten

Einblicke in die Geschichte der baltischen Sprachen und Völker

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 180 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

Das Forschungsfeld des litauischen Sprachwissenschaftlers Algirdas Sabaliauskas (1929–2016) umfasst sowohl die baltischen Sprachen als auch die baltische Sprachwissenschaft. Sein...

Muhammad b. Îl-Tughân Bardasîrî Kirmânî, Shams ud-dîn
Editor: Utas, Bo

The Lantern of Spirits

Miṣbāḥ ul-arvāḥ

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 160 p., cloth
78,00 €

Misbâh ul-arvâh, or The Lantern of Spirits, is a comparatively little known Sufi didactic Persian poem written in the 12th century by the next to unknown Shaikh Shams ud-dîn...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 44
De Chiara, Matteo; Septfonds, Daniel

Le verbe pashto

Parcours d’un territoire du verbe simple à la locution verbale

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 176 p., cloth
78,00 €

In this work, the Authors provide an analysis of the entire verbal system of Pashto, the language of some 50 million speakers in Afghanistan, Pakistan and diasporas. As an Iranian...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 43
Matzinger, Joachim


17.0 x 24.0 cm, 176 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

Concise description of the Messapic language (phonology, morphology, syntax) on the basis of the Messapic epigraphic corpus. Analysis of selected Messapic inscriptions. Extensive...

Herausgegeben von Elisabeth Rieken. Unter Mitwirkung von Ulrich Geupel und Theresa Maria Roth

100 Jahre Entzifferung des Hethitischen

Morphosyntaktische Kategorien in Sprachgeschichte und Forschung. Akten der Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 23 September 2015 in Marburg

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 416 p., hardback
98,00 €

The present collective volume, “100th Anniversary of the Decipherment of Hittite: Morpho-syntactic Categories in Language History and Research”, comprises twenty-five articles...

Bock, Bettina; Zeilfelder, Susanne; Ziegler, Sabine
Editor: Lühr, Rosemarie

Deutsche Wortfeldetymologie in europäischem Kontext (DWEE)

Band 4: Religion und Ethik

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 296 p., hardback
98,00 €

No English description available. Showing German description:
An der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig läuft seit 2007 das Projekt „Deutsche...

Benkato, Adam


An edition and literary-critical study of the Manichaean-Sogdian Parable-Book

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 216 p., cloth
79,00 €

This work is an edition and literary-critical study of a Manichaean text in Sogdian known as the Āzandnāmē, or Parable-Book. The first part is a new and expanded edition of the...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 42
Ecca, Giulia

Die hippokratische Schrift Praecepta

Kritische Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Mit Anhang: Ein Scholion zu Praec. 1

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 424 p., cloth
119,00 €

The ancient medical text Praecepta, which contains deontological rules on the ideal behaviour of physicians towards patients and colleagues, is one of the most difficult work of...

Series: Serta Graeca Volume: 32
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