Von Allah bis Zypresse
Bildwörterbuch zur islamischen Ikonographie
The alleged Mohammedan image ban is opposed by a diverse Islamic world of images, which knows religious and profane scenes as well as mythological and symbolic motifs. They are...
Editor: Daiber, Verena
From Ordinary to Luxury
Islamic Ceramics from Iran, Central Asia and Afghanistan
“From Ordinary to Luxury” is based on the glazed and unglazed pottery from The Bumiller Collection and is a profound study of Iranian and Central Asian ceramics. The Bumiller set...
Aus den Tiefenschichten der Texte
Beiträge zur turko-iranischen Welt von der Islamisierung bis zur Gegenwart
Being case studies, the contributions to this volume highlight various aspects of the Turco-Iranian world starting from the Islamization in the 7th century up to the present day....
Politik und Religion in Nordkaukasien
Das Verhältnis von Islam und Widerstand am Beispiel von Tschetschenen und Inguschen (1757–1961)
This study clarifies the question to what extent the narrative of the Chechens, which has been handed down for centuries by Russian historians, is a religious fanatic. To this...
Handbuch zur Islamischen Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte
In the style of the classical handbook, the Handbook on Islamic Archaeology and Art History contains 765 pages with over 400 colour illustrations covering the entire field of...
Der hygienische Imperativ
Gesundheitsversorgung und -aufklärung der Muslime des ausgehenden Zarenreichs (1864-1917)
The attempt to establish a health system on the basis of modern European scientific medical standards meant a great adaptation challenge for the traditional people in the Russian...
Hiob zwischen Selbstbezichtigung und Protest
Gedichte aus Mittelasien (19. bis 20. Jahrhundert)
No English description available. Showing German description:
In mehreren Handschriften überliefert sind Ghasele und andere Gedichte von einem Dichter, der sich Ayyub (Hiob)...
Lokale und imperiale Herrschaft im Iran des 12. Jahrhunderts
Herrschaftspraxis und Konzepte
How is political rule organised? Top-down, in a process of delegation? Or are there other forms and can local rulers take their position without being legitimised from above,...
Nomad Military Power in Iran and Adjacent Areas in the Islamic Period
The papers in this anthology shed light on the political and military role and importance of nomadic groups in Iran and adjacent areas, using historical case studies that cover...
Von Mekka bis Berlin
Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des islamischen Friedhofs
In this book the Islamic burial culture is presented extensively on the basis of their cemeteries, mausoleums and grave architecture from its beginnings at the time of Muhammad...
Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie
Jahrbuch der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 4
In 2011, the Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin celebrated the 100th anniversary of the German excavations of the Islamic-medieval site Samarra. The former Abbasid capital (836-892...
Repression, Anpassung, Neuorientierung
Studien zum Islam in der Sowjetunion und dem postsowjetischen Raum
How did Islam survive in the Soviet Union, how did Muslims re-establish Islam in the post-Soviet public sphere? In specific case studies and longitudinal surveys, senior...
Unterwegs zur türkischen Mystik in Stein
Since the medieval building complex consisting of the Friday mosque and the psychiatric hospital was declared “World Cultural Heritage Site” in 1986 the small provincial town of...
Die Kujuji-Stiftungen in Tabriz
Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Jalayiriden (Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar)
The Kujuji-foundations from 780/1380 are a vivid testimony to an outstanding personality in Tabriz during the Jalayerid period. Their founder, Khwaja Shaikh Kujuji, appears in the...
Politics of Qat
The Role of a Drug in Ruling Yemen
For Imam Yahya, one of Yemen’s last kings, qat was a delight that he praised in poems. For his adversary, the revolutionary al-Zubayri, the plant was the “devil in the shape of a...
Die Messingstadt
Eine Erzählung aus „Tausendundeiner Nacht“. Architektur einer Heiligwerdung
Anyone associating The Arabian Nights with erotic stories will doubtlessly be disappointed when reading “City of Brass” (Nights 566−578). This tale deals not with the lust for...
Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie
Jahrbuch der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 3
Ornament has always been regarded as a field in which Islamic Art has excelled. However, it can be debated whether ornamental treatment of surfaces can actually be seen as a...
»Gott liebt das Handwerk«
Moral, Identität und religiöse Legitimierung in der mittelasiatischen Handwerks-risala
The present book is the first large-scale research on the Central Asian crafts’ risala, a pre-Soviet code of conduct, and describes the crafts spiritual and social roots by...
The City of the three Mosques: Ávila and its Muslims in the Middle Ages
This book troubles the traditional treatment of Muslims living under Christian rule in Iberia, traditionally dubbed “Mudejars,” as marginal in both medieval Christian and Muslim...
Tabous, interdits et obligations de langage en Afghanistan
Éléments du vocabulaire de la vie privée en terre d’Islam
This book reflects on a quarter-century of observations by Charles Kieffer (Research Director CNRS, Paris) during his dialectological research from 1957-1981 in all of...