Short Description
In this book the Islamic burial culture is presented extensively on the basis of their cemeteries, mausoleums and grave architecture from its beginnings at the time of Muhammad until the times of modern diaspora for the first time. It takes into account the significant archaeological and art-historically relevant examples throughout the Islamic world.
In this book the Islamic burial culture is presented extensively on the basis of their cemeteries, mausoleums and grave architecture from its beginnings at the time of Muhammad until the times of modern diaspora for the first time. It takes into account the significant archaeological and art-historically relevant examples throughout the Islamic world. In the first part of "principles" cultural and religious assumptions and the main cemetery and grave forms are presented. Are discussed also necessarily the popular religious conditions under which, contrary to Islamic theology, is not only a value and appreciation of the tombs, but also has its own cult of the saints have emerged. In addition, the most important religious differences are highlighted. In a second part "Historical Overview" the relevant objects will be presented in chronological order from earliest times to Postmodernism. The third part of "Islamic cemetery culture of modern Europe" deals with the products outside the Islamic world to the burial forms under the sign of the migration. A places and subjects register as well as the bibliography form the final.
Biographical Note
Der Autor ist nach dem Studium der Evangelischen Theologie sowie der Christlichen Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte seit 1992 Direktor des Museums für Sepulkralkultur in Kassel, zugleich seit 1994 apl. Professor für Christliche Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte am Fachbereich Theologie der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Erlangen Nürnberg. Nachdem er unter dem Titel „Ruhe sanft“ 2009 eine Kulturgeschichte des christlich-abendländischen Friedhofs publiziert hat, hat er nun das parallele Werk zu islamischen Kulturgeschichte des Friedhofs folgen lassen. Derzeit liegen seine Forschungsschwerpunkte berufsbedingt im Bereich der Sepulkralkultur, gleichwohl bearbeitet er Themen der Christlichen Archäologie.