
Kharab Sayyar

Results 1 - 2 of 2
Würz, Michael

Organizing an Urban Way of Life in the Steppe

Water, Agriculture, Townscape and Economy in the Early Islamic Town of Kharab Sayyar

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 448 p., hardback
148,00 €

Organizing an Urban Way of Life in the Steppe – Water, Agriculture, Townscape and Economy in the Early Islamic Town of Kharab Sayyar.
As the third volume in this series,...

Series: Ausgrabungen Kharab Sayyar Volume: 3
Falb, Christian

Die unverzierte frühislamische Keramik aus Kharab Sayyar, Nordostsyrien

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 176 p., hardback
78,00 €

The book’s subject is a detailed presentation of plain ceramic from the early Islamic town Kharab Sayyar in the north-east of Syria, taking into account questions of merchandise,...

Series: Ausgrabungen Kharab Sayyar Volume: 1