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Editor: Kunst, M.; Fazeli Nashli, H.; Thomalsky, J.; Reindel, M.; Kaulicke, P.

From Sedentarisation to the Complex Society

Settlement, Economy, Environment, Cult. Proceedings of the workshops in Lisbon, Tehran and Lima

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 580 p., hardback
198,00 €

Three cities, three continents. The volume comprises the discussions held at various locations between 2016 and 2019 in Research Cluster 1 ‘From Sedentarisation to Complex...

Editor: Prien, Roland; Witschel, Christian


Ladenburg und der Lobdengau zwischen ‚Limesfall‘ und den Karolingern

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 306 p., hardback
49,00 €

No english description available. Showing german description:
Der siebte Band der Reihe „LOPODUNUM“ widmet sich neuen archäologischen und historischen Erkenntnissen zur...

Süß, Jürgen; Gräf, Brigitte


Die 3D-Rekonstruktion des römischen Forums von Ladenburg. Beschreibung und Begründung der Nachbildung

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 152 p., hardback
35,00 €

In their publication "The 3D Reconstruction of the Roman Forum at Ladenburg", the authors Juergen Suess and Brigitte Graef describe and explain the reason for their virtual...