
Literary studies: general

Results 61 - 80 of 121
Sobisch, Jan-Ulrich

Hevajra and Lam’bras Literature of India and Tibet as Seen Through the Eyes of A-mes-zhabs

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 264 p., cloth
68,00 €

The Hevajra Tantras and teachings of the 'Path with Its Fruit' (lam ‘bras) that originated in India have been central practices of Tibetan tantric Buddhism for a millenium. The...

Editor: Baldauf, Ingeborg; Gammer, Moshe; Loy, Thomas

Bukharan Jews in the 20th Century

History, Experience and Narration

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 240 p., hardback
45,00 €

Although the Jews of Central Asia have a long, eventful and fascinating history, the community of the Bukharan Jews attracted very little attention from researchers until...

Series: Iran – Turan Volume: 09
Skilling, Peter; Pakdeekham, Santi

Pali and Vernacular Literature Transmitted in Central and Northern Siam

13.0 x 21.0 cm, 574 p., paperback / softback
28,00 €

„Pali and Vernacular Literature Transmitted in Central and Northern Siam“ is a preliminary survey of the pre-modern literature of Central and Northern Siam. Based on old records,...

By Bo Utas. Edited by Carina Jahani and Dariush Kargar

Manuscript, Text and Literature

Collected Essays on Middle and New Persian Texts

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 300 p., cloth
49,00 €

This book is a selected collection of the scholarly production on Middle and New Persian literature by professor emeritus Bo Utas, Uppsala University, presented to him on his 70th...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 29
del Río Sánchez, Francisco

Catalogue des manuscrits de la fondation Georges et Mathilde Salem (Alep, Syrie)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 352 p., hardback
98,00 €

The library of the George & Mathilde Salem Foundation (Aleppo, Syria) is one of the most important private collections of manuscripts in the Syrian Arab Republic. It contains 547...

Editor: Weiß, Alexander

Der imaginierte Nomade

Formel und Realitätsbezug bei antiken, mittelalterlichen und arabischen Autoren

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 196 p., hardback
45,00 €

When a pre-modern author writes about nomads, his writing is immediately suspected of being soaked with literary formulae. This suspicion, which is no doubt justified, is for the...

Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte Volume: 08
Zeilfelder, Susanne

Lateinisches Lesebuch

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 304 p., hardback
29,80 €

Latin is still a crucial language for all scholars of diachronic or synchronic linguistics. But more and more students have to learn Latin in a crowded crash-course at the...

Series: Texte der Indogermanen Volume: 1
Wolf, Klaus

Hof – Universität – Laien

Literatur- und sprachgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum deutschen Schrifttum der Wiener Schule des Spätmittelalters

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 432 p., cloth
49,00 €

This study shows the late-medieval Vienna School as a whole for the first time. Whereas scholars until recently have focussed upon German theological writings of the Viennese...

Herausgegeben von André Schnyder in Verbindung mit Ursula Rautenberg

Thüring von Ringoltingen. Melusine (1456)

Nach dem Erstdruck Basel: Richel um 1473/74

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 384 p., hardback
128,00 €

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Am 29. Januar 1456 schließt der Berner Patrizier Thüring von Ringoltingen die Prosabearbeitung der „Melusine“...

Editor: Pflitsch, Andreas; Winckler, Barbara

Poetry’s Voice – Society’s Norms

Forms of Interaction between Middle Eastern Writers and their Societies

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 306 p., hardback
68,00 €

Literary works are much more than mere illustrations of societal conditions. Literature is the setting in which society discusses itself. In this volume, international scholars of...

Gindhart, Marion

Das Kometenjahr 1618

Antikes und zeitgenössisches Wissen in der frühneuzeitlichen Kometenliteratur des deutschsprachigen Raumes

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 336 p., cloth
68,00 €

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Seit dem Altertum erfahren Kometen eine vielfältige Rezeption, die teilweise von starken Traditionslinien...

Binay, Sara

Die Figur des Beduinen in der arabischen Literatur

9. bis 12. Jahrhundert

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 264 p., hardback
68,00 €

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Im Zentrum der Studie steht die Beduinenfigur, die im Kontext nomadisch-sesshafter Beziehungen untersucht wird....

Series: Nomaden und Sesshafte Volume: 03
Editor: Neuwirth, Angelika; Islebe, Andreas Christian

Reflections on Reflections

Near Eastern Writers Reading Literature

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 408 p., hardback
88,00 €

This volume assembles the papers read at a symposium on the diverse forms of literature reception and intertextuality in Middle Eastern literatures in general and Arabic...

Dové, Peter

Erzählte Tradition

Historische und literarische Figuren im Werk von Zakariya Tamir. Eine narratologische Analyse

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 208 p., hardback
29,00 €

Zakariyyā Tāmir (b. 1931) is generally considered to be one of the most innovative authors in contemporary Arabic literature. One characteristic of his short stories is how they...

Plate, Ralf

Die Überlieferung der »Christherre-Chronik«

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 380 p., cloth
59,00 €

The hitherto unedited ‚Christherre-Chronik‛ by an anonymous author from the middle of the thirteenth century is a key text in the Middle High German tradition of world chronicles...

Krause, Karin

Die illustrierten Homilien des Johannes Chrysostomos in Byzanz

22.5 x 31.5 cm, 548 p., hardback
98,00 €

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Das Werk ist die erste systematische Studie der illustrierten Homilien des wohl bedeutendsten byzantinischen...

Editor: Pannewick, Friederike

Martyrdom in Literature

Visions of Death and Meaningful Suffering in Europe and the Middle East from Antiquity to Modernity

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 380 p., hardback
59,00 €

This book aims to achieve a deeper understanding of the very human phenomenon of martyrdom by analysing in detail its highly varied re-enactments in European and Middle Eastern...

Editor: Gruendler, Beatrice; Marlow, Louise

Writers and Rulers

Perspectives on Their Relationship from Abbasid to Safavid Times

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 260 p., hardback
59,00 €

Nine essays explore the ways in which individual Arabic and Persian authors between the 9th and 17th centuries (with examples drawn from the Abbasid to the Safavid dynasties)...

Editor: Seigneurie, Ken

Crisis and Memory

The Representation of Space in Modern Levantine Narrative

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 260 p., hardback
49,00 €

This volume explores the literary representation of social and political crises that have punctuated the second half of the 20th century in the Middle East. From the creation of...

Editor: Maggi, Mauro; Cereti, Carlo; Provasi, Elio

Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia

Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 512 p., cloth
110,00 €

The volume contains forty-one papers dedicated to the distinguished Iranianist by colleagues, friends and former students, and a complete bibliography of the dedicatee. The papers...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 24