

Results 1 - 20 of 80
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Freiberg, Cassandra

Discourse Pragmatics and Prosodic Reconstruction

A New Approach to Prosodic Structure in Herodotus' Histories and Beyond

Product Available Date 2024-10-09
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 364 p., hardback
119,00 €

The aim of this book is to establish prosodic reconstruction – especially of higher prosodic units such as the intonational or prosodic phrase – as a new subfield of...

Oberlies, Thomas

Ein Schatzhaus indischer Erzählkunst – Die Erzählliteratur der Jainas

Band 1: Ein „Lesebuch“ originalsprachlicher Texte

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 516 p., hardback
129,00 €

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Der Jainismus, eine der drei großen in Indien entstandenen Religionen, hat eine Erzählliteratur hervorgebracht,...


Writing as Re-enchantment: The Arabic and Turkish Novel’s Neo-Sufi Response to Secular Modernity

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 248 p., hardback
79,00 €

This study examines the revival of Sufism in the Arabic and Turkish novel during the second half of the 20th century. A picture is drawn where Sufism forms a main source of...

Stahmer, Carsten

Das Janus-Prinzip

Fortschritt durch Rücksicht

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 376 p., hardback
29,00 €

The Roman god Janus can still be a role model for us today. His double look forwards and backwards teaches us that retrospection is also necessary for sustainable progress....

Palla, Alessandra

La seconda epistola ad Ammeo di Dionigi di Alicarnasso

Studi sulla tradizione manoscritta

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 200 p., cloth
98,00 €

In this book, Alessandra Palla provides the first comprehensive investigation into the manuscript tradition of the Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ De thucydidis idiomatibus, commonly...

Series: Serta Graeca Volume: 36
Genyu, Sokyu
Translated by: Arndt-Kunimoto, Frauke; Fuchs, Mariko

Der strahlende Berg

Geschichten aus Fukushima

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 146 p., paperback / softback
22,00 €

The book describes in detail, realistically and comprehensibly, how the people in Fukushima experienced the disaster and came to terms with it. However, the author does not assign...

Butz, Magdalena

Heinrichs von Neustadt ›Gottes Zukunft‹

Erzählen vom Heil in der Volkssprache

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 288 p., hard cover with dust jacket
110,00 €

This monograph is the first comprehensive study of Heinrich von Neustadtʼs religious poem ›Gottes Zukunft‹ (›Godʼs Arrival‹). It examines the transformation of religious knowledge...

Weinmann, Ute

Karoline von Günderrode

Eine Annäherung an die Lebensgeschichte der Dichterin und an ihre Spuren in Winkel ab 1806

148.0 x 210.0 cm, 192 p., hardback
19,90 €

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Im Band 1 der Schriften aus dem Brentano-Haus präsentiert die Autorin bekannte und neue Quellen sowie...

Sadovskyy, Anton

The manuscript transmission of Platos laws (books I and V)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 260 p., cloth
98,00 €

The study is dedicated to a detailed evaluation of the existing manuscript evidence of Plato's Nomoi as well as to the explanation of the textual tradition of this work. The...

Series: Serta Graeca Volume: 35
Editor: Burwick, Roswitha

Neue Zeitung für Einsiedler

Magazin der Internationalen Arnim-Gesellschaft. Band 16, 2022

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 332 p., paperback / softback
24,90 €

The Neue Zeitung für Einsiedler is an interdisciplinary journal that offers innovative approaches to the works of well-known German Romantic writers and introduces newly...

Series: Neue Zeitung für Einsiedler Volume: 16
Orfali, Bilal; Pomerantz, Maurice Alex

The Maqāmāt of Badīʿ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī

Authorship, Texts, and Contexts

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 208 p., hardback
59,00 €

Through investigations of manuscripts, this book explores important aspects of the life of Badîʿ al-Zamân al-Hamadhânî’s Maqâmât. The broad concerns of the book are divided into...

Prechtl, Fabian

Giovanni Boccaccios ,De casibus virorum illustrium’ in Deutschland

Studien zur Überlieferung und Rezeption eines frühhumanistischen Werkes im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 400 p., hard cover with dust jacket
110,00 €

Giovanni Boccaccio's 'De casibus virorum illustrium' - an early humanist collection of biographies of famous men and women of world history in Latin - was one of the most widely...

Pardey, Charlotte

Oscillating Bodies

Understanding Tunisian Society through its Novels (1956-2011)

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 256 p., hardback
69,00 €

Oscillating Bodies reads together the depiction of human bodies in arabophone and francophone Tunisian novels. This produces an understanding of Tunisian society from the...

Editor: Grestenberger, Laura; Reiss, Charles; Fellner, Hannes A.; Pantillon, Gabriel Z.

Ha! Linguistic Studies in Honor of Mark R. Hale

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 440 p., cloth
110,00 €

This volume celebrates the work of the American linguist Mark R. Hale with contributions from general and historical linguistics, especially comparative Indo-European linguistics,...

Müller-Laackman, Jonas

Ein leises Geräusch wie ein Gefühl des Sehnens

Dichtung und Zeugenschaft zum faschistischen Konzentrationslager in Libia Coloniale

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 272 p., hardback
69,00 €

Arabic poetry about the Italian concentration camps in Libia Coloniale is often understood primarily as a historical source, thereby neglecting the poems' literary merits. A Soft...

Edition und Kommentar von Roswitha Burwick

Sigismunde Uhtke. Der weibliche Eremitenblick auf das Theater der Welt

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 186 p., paperback / softback
19,80 €

Der weibliche Eremitenblick auf das Theater der Welt, edited for the first time, introduces the Silesian writer Sigismunde Uhtke who, at the threshold of modernity, sketches a...

Editor: Lutz, Eckart Conrad; Putzo, Christine; Eichenberger, Nicole

Bücher und Identitäten

Literarische Reproduktionskulturen der Vormoderne. Überstorfer Colloquium 2016

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 460 p., cloth
129,00 €

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Das Format der Literatur, ihre materielle und mediale Erscheinung im handgeschriebenen Codex oder im gedruckten...

Gatt, Kurstin

Decoding DA’ISH

An Analysis of Poetic Exemplars and Discursive Strategies of Domination in the Jihadist Milieu

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 344 p., hardback
79,00 €

Why do Jihadists compose poetry and what role does poetry play in the transmission of the jihadist ideology? Decoding DĀʿISH is located at the intersections of the literary, the...

Incekan, Abdullah

Deutsche Gedichte zweisprachig

(Kurmanji-Kurdisch / Deutsch)

13.0 x 18.0 cm, 112 p., paperback / softback
14,90 €

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In Deutschland leben mittlerweile 1.5 Millionen Menschen kurdischer Herkunft, doch ist der Austausch zwischen...

Editor: Burwick, Roswitha

Neue Zeitung für Einsiedler

Magazin der Internationalen Arnim-Gesellschaft. Band 15, 2020

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 254 p., paperback / softback
14,90 €

Achim von Arnim’s Zeitung für Einsiedler, published in Heidelberg in 1808, represents one of the most original journals of the romantic era. The Neue Zeitung für Einsiedler, the...

Series: Neue Zeitung für Einsiedler Volume: 15
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