Bukharan Jews in the Soviet Union
Autobiographical Narrations of Mobility, Continuity and Change
Each of the autobiographical narrations presented in this study on Bukharan Jews is unique. Seen collectively, they amount to a comprehensive survey of Bukharan Jewish experiences...
Aral Histories
Geschichte und Erinnerung im Delta des Amudarja
In the course of the Aral Sea catastrophe the life of the Amu Darya delta region changed radically within just a few years. The Karakalpak and German authors of this volume deal...
Spätantikes Kleidungszubehör aus Nordafrika I
Trägerkreis, Mobilität und Ethnos im Spiegel der Funde der spätesten römischen Kaiserzeit und der vandalischen Zeit
This study is the first to give a comprehensive account of extant dress accessories, especially brooches and belt buckles, from late ancient North Africa. In the first of two...
Existenzsicherung und Mobilität im ariden Marokko
The living conditions of former nomads in the arid mountain and desert regions of Morocco have been subject to dramatic change during the last decades. New economic and social...