Albers, Yvonne
Scheiternde Zeugen, machtlose Wähler
Der Zuschauer im zeitgenössischen libanesischen Theater
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 118 p., hardback
49,00 €
The study provides new insights into the development of contemporary theatre in Lebanon. Focusing on selected stage works by Rabih Mroué (b. 1967) and Hisham Jaber (b. 1980), the...
Series: Literaturen im Kontext. arabisch – persisch – türkisch
Volume: 32
Krause, Christiane
Strategie der Selbstinszenierung
Das rhetorische Ich in den Reden Dions von Prusa
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 192 p., cloth
39,00 €
Taking as its starting point a new methodical approach, which differentiates between rhetoric I and biographic I, the author investigates the self-presentation of Dio of Prusa, an...
Series: Serta Graeca
Volume: 16