Editors: Bennewitz, Ingrid; Ohlendorf, Wiebke
Von Heiligen, Rittern und Narren
Mediävistische Studien für Hans-Joachim Behr zum 65. Geburtstag
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 224 p., 3 illustrations color, 5 illustrations b/w, cloth
ISBN: 9783954900800
17.0 x 24.0 cm, 224 p., 3 illustrations color, 5 illustrations b/w, cloth
69,00 €
ISBN: 9783954900800
Short Description
This Festschrift, published on the occasion of Hans-Joachim Behr’s 65th birthday, offers a wide range of contributions by renowned scholars of medieval studies as well as specialists on the reception of medieval literature in the Early Modern and Modern Period. Following the research interests of the jubilee, the articles discuss religious and political poetry (Dieter Merzbacher, Johannes Rettelbach, Václav Bok, Winfried Frey and Claus-Artur Scheier), lyric poetry (Christoph Huber, Horst Brunner and Wolfgang Beutin), texts and topics of the Early Modern Period (Jan-Dirk Müller, Gerhild Scholz-Williams) as well as questions concerned with historical linguistics, media studies, and medievalism (Claudia Märtl, Pamela Männel, Wiebke Ohlendorf, Vera Heinrich, Charlotte Pappendorf and Alexander Schwarz as well as Ingrid Bennewitz) from an interdisciplinary point of view.Description
This Festschrift, published on the occasion of Hans-Joachim Behr’s 65th birthday, offers a wide range of contributions by renowned scholars of medieval studies as well as specialists of medievalism in the Early Modern and Modern Period. Five articles in this collection focus on religious texts: Dieter Merzbacher’s essay on the relation between the Gospel of Henry the Lion and the German Gospel Harmony of Duke August the Younger, Johannes Rettelbach’s “Fünfmal Salve Regina,” Václav Bok’s analysis of the Bohemian reception of the St. Heinrich and St. Kunigunde cult, Winfried Frey’s discussion of the anti-Jewish tradition during the religious schism and Claus-Artur Scheier’s article about the “Epoche des Wunders” (Age of Miracles). Medieval lyric poetry is the subject of Christoph Huber’s essay “Zum didaktischen Potential des Minnelieds” in the works of Heinrich von Morungen, Reinmar and Konrad von Würzburg, Horst Brunner’s essay “Die Töne Neidharts,” and Wolfgang Beutin’s contribution concerning the reception of the Hussite Reformation in the works of Oswald von Wolkenstein and Muskatplüt. Jan-Dirk Müller (“Höfischer Sound und Intertextualität. Zu den Entlehnungen aus den ‘Klassikern’ im Friedrich von Schwaben”) and Gerhild Scholz-Williams (“[Körper]-geheimnisse und Cross-Dressing in Mélusine and the works of E. W. Happe”) analyze texts of the Early Modern Period. Questions of reception are at the heart of the articles by Claudia Märtel, who focuses on the reception of Piccolomini in the 19th century, and Wiebke Ohlendorf, who discusses the image of the medieval knight in contemporary film. Also concerned with issues of reception are two contributions about Till Eulenspiegel: Vera Heinrich, Charlotte Pappendorf and Alexander Schwarz reflect on exhibition practice in their essay “Eulenspiegel ausstellen als Mittelalter-Rezeption,” while Ingrid Bennewitz analyzes the reception history of Till Eulenspiegel in musicals for children and families. Pamela Männel’s “Germanistik als Kulturwissenschaft,” finally, constitutes an appeal for increased interdisciplinarity, especially in the field of historical linguistics, bearing testimony to the interdisciplinary nature of this entire publication which honors Hans-Joachim Behr as well as his oeuvre in linguistic and literary studies.Biographical Note
Prof. Dr. Ingrid BennewitzLehrstuhl für Deutsche Philologie des Mittelalters
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
96045 Bamberg
Tel.: 0951/ 863-2125, Fax: 0951/ 863-2126
Born in 1956, studied German, Music and Philosophy at the University of Salzburg and Münster/Westf., Phd in 1985, habilitation in 1993, since 1995 chair of German Philology of the Middle Ages at the University of Bamberg.
Main scientific interests:
German literature of the 12th to the 16th century, medieval manuscripts and edition, gender studies, medievalism.
Dr. des. Wiebke Ohlendorf
Institut für Germanistik
Abteilung Linguistik und Mediävistik
TU Braunschweig
Bienroder Weg 80
38106 Braunschweig
Tel.: 0531/ 391 8653, Fax: 0531/ 391 8638
Born in 1981, studied German at the TU Braunschweig and Art at the HBK Braunschweig, PhD in 2014, since 2007 assistant at the German institute, department of medieval studies at the TU Braunschweig.
Main scientific interests:
Courtly literature, medieval, esp. manuscripts/text-image-relation/medievalism.