Androgynie – Wahnsinn – Utopie im Romanwerk von Huda Barakat
Hudā Barakāt’s novels are complex and densely woven texts that focus on the obsessions and inner conflicts of their protagonists. The first monograph dealing with the Lebanese...
Wege zur Verbindlichkeit
Studien zum deutschen Roman um 1300
Ulrich of Etzenbach's "Wilhelm von Wenden", Heinrich von Neustadt's "Apollonius von Tyrland", Johann von Würzburg's "Wilhelm von Österreich", and the anonymous "Reinfried von...
Eine integrierte »turkoarabische« Romangeschichte (Mitte 19. bis Mitte 20. Jahrhundert)
Brückenschläge (Building Bridges) is the first detailed and systematic comparison of two modern Middle Eastern literatures, taking the novel genre as a paradigm. The study’s...
Geschichten über Geschichten
Erinnerung im Romanwerk von Ilyas Huri
Elias Khoury (b. 1948) is one of the most outstanding figures in Lebanon’s cultural, intellectual and literary life today. The study focuses on the theme of memory in Khoury’s...
Vita Aesopi
Überlieferung, Sprache und Edition einer frühbyzantinischen Fassung des Äsopromans
This volume (book) presents the edition one of the most significant recensio of the Aesop Romance, the recensio of the manuscripts BPThSA. The edition of this recensio is...
Palästinenser im arabischen Roman
Syrien, Libanon, Jordanien, Palästina 1948 bis 1988
In contemporary Arabic fiction from Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan as well as in Palestinian exile novels, Palestinians are predominantly depicted as and judged in terms of being...
Der ägyptische Roman
Rezeption und Wertung von den Anfängen bis 1945
Beginning in the 1820s, the decade Egyptians were first able to read a European novel, this study traces the process through which the novel subsequently established itself and...
Heinrich von Veldeke. Eneas-Roman
Vollfaksimile des Ms. germ. fol. 282 der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
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Gegen Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts bearbeitete Heinrich von Veldeke Vergils Aeneis und schuf so seinen Eneas-Roman....