
Society & culture: general

Results 1 - 20 of 409
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Stadelbauer, Jörg


Geographie. Geschichte. Wirtschaft

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 524 p., hardback
98,00 €

Georgia fascinates with its diversity: between the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus peaks, between rain-soaked woodlands and dry steppes, between lush cultivated vegetation and...

Editor: Weiß, Gerd

Kulturlandschaft Mittelrhein – 100 Jahre Mittelrheinische Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Kunst

21.0 x 28.0 cm, 304 p., hardback
29,95 €

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In dem anlässlich des 100jährigen Bestehens der „Mittelrheinischen Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Kunst“...

Gholami, Saloumeh

The Afterlife of Avestan Manuscripts: Colophons and Marginal notes

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 442 p., hardback
149,00 €

This study investigates the role of paratext in Zoroastrian scribal tradition, with a focus on the Avesta manuscripts. It examines how paratexts, such as colophons and marginal...

Thumser, Antje

Die ,Bayerische Chronik‘ des Ulrich Fuetrer

Überlieferung – Textgenese – Produktions- und Wirkungsstrategie

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 680 p., hard cover with dust jacket
128,00 €

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Die ›Bayerische Chronik‹ des Ulrich Fuetrer († um 1496) erfährt in diesem Band erstmals eine monographische...

Editor: Grond, Agnes; Heiling, Angelika; Hergenröther, Oana; Unger-Ullmann, Daniela

Voicing Plurality in an Open World

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 240 p., cloth
110,00 €

In a world characterized by mobility and dynamic formations of cultural, linguistic, and social identities, the general understanding of languages – at least in Europe – still...

Hg.: Banck-Burgess, Johanna; Marinova-Wolff, Elena; Mischka, Doris

The Significance of Archaeological Textiles

Papers of the International Online Conference 24th–25th February 2021. THEFBO Volume II

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 208 p., hardback
39,00 €

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Many of the common utensils used in prehistoric agricultural settlements were textile products. They were...

Höke, Benjamin
In cooperation with: Straeter, Anna

Lauchheim IV

Die Gräber aus der Siedlung Lauchheim ‚Mittelhofen‘

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 320 p., hardback
59,00 €

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In direkter Nachbarschaft des Reihengräberfeldes Lauchheim ‚Wasserfurche‘ wurde in den 1990er Jahren das früh-...

Smith, Bert; Niederhuber, Christian

Commodus: The public image of a Roman emperor

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 224 p., hardback
69,00 €

The richly illustrated book presents a fresh argument and new evidence about the workings of the imperial image in the Antonine period, through the changing portraits of the...

Fähnrich, Heinz

Große Kriege und Schlachten der Georgier

Von den Assyrienkriegen bis König Giorgi Lascha

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 117 p., paperback / softback
24,90 €

The most important Georgian battles (wars and battles) within three millennia are presented here in chronological order in a brief overview. The period covers the span from the...

By Michael Crawford with a chapter on the architectural reconstruction by Philip Stinson and contributions by Julia Lenaghan, Mustafa D. Somersan, Serra Somersan and Yaşar Demiröz

Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices at the Civil Basilica in Aphrodisias

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 260 p., hardback
89,00 €

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Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices was inscribed on the façade of the city’s Civil Basilica in AD 301. The...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: XIII

Writing as Re-enchantment: The Arabic and Turkish Novel’s Neo-Sufi Response to Secular Modernity

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 248 p., hardback
79,00 €

This study examines the revival of Sufism in the Arabic and Turkish novel during the second half of the 20th century. A picture is drawn where Sufism forms a main source of...

Stahmer, Carsten

Das Janus-Prinzip

Fortschritt durch Rücksicht

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 376 p., hardback
29,00 €

The Roman god Janus can still be a role model for us today. His double look forwards and backwards teaches us that retrospection is also necessary for sustainable progress....

Editor: Clemens, Lukas; Kessler, Marzena

Stadtrekonstruktionen von Trier im Mittelalter

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 64 p., hardback
15,90 €

This volume brings together three reconstructions of medieval Trier, conceived and annotated by Lukas Clemens and Marzena Kessler and realised by the Luxembourg artist Nic Herber....

Victor, Marion

Der gesprengte Kreis

Max Beckmanns Schüler zwischen Realismus und Abstraktion

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 204 p., hardback
39,90 €

Much like Max Beckmann, his master students faced defamation, marginalization, and persecution at the hands of the Nazis. A significant portion of their work was lost or destroyed...

Editor: Bulang, Tobias; Runow, Holger; Zimmermann, Julia

mîn sang sol wesen dîn

Deutsche Lyrik des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit: Interpretationen

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 296 p., hardback
98,00 €

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Die Anthologie präsentiert eine Auswahl vorwiegend deutschsprachiger mittelalterlicher Lyrik mitsamt...

Gesammelt und bearbeitet von Walburga Knorr und Werner Mayer Für den Druck ergänzt von Ramona Baltolu und Christine Steininger

Die Inschriften der Stadt Regensburg

IV. Das Kollegiatstift Unserer Lieben Frau zur Alten Kapelle

19.0 x 27.0 cm, 314 p., hard cover with dust jacket
69,00 €

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Der vierte Band Regensburgs bietet die Inschriften der Basilika des 875 von Ludwig dem Deutschen gegründeten und...

Series: Die Deutschen Inschriften Volume: 110
Subseries: Münchener Reihe Volume: 21
Editor: Szántó, Iván

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Vol. 9. Spaces and Frontiers of Islamic Art and Archaeology

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 168 p., hardback
79,00 €

The concepts of frontier, boundary, and border, and consequently of spaces and regions they delimit, have left a persistent mark on the perception of geography, whether expounded...

Buess, Manuel
Editor: Heinzelmann, Michael

Amiternum 1

Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsstruktur im zentralen Abruzzenraum in römischer Zeit

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 496 p., hardback
129,00 €

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Amiternum, wichtiger Zentralort der Sabiner im oberen Aterno-Tal und Geburtsstätte Sallusts, entwickelte sich...

bearbeitet von Katharina Kagerer

Die Inschriften des Landkreises Nienburg/Weser

19.0 x 27.0 cm, 570 p., hard cover with dust jacket
62,00 €

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Der Band wird in 372 Katalognummern Inschriften aus der Mittelweserregion vom 13. Jahrhundert bis zum Jahr 1650...

Series: Die Deutschen Inschriften Volume: 114
Subseries: Göttinger Reihe Volume: 23
Scholkmann, Barbara; Brenker, Fabian

Archäologie des Mittelalters in Baden-Württemberg

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 413 p., hardback
24,95 €

For about 60 years, the archaeology of the Middle Ages has been pursued as a separate research discipline in Baden-Württemberg. This book is the first to present a synopsis of the...

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