Geographie. Geschichte. Wirtschaft
Georgia fascinates with its diversity: between the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus peaks, between rain-soaked woodlands and dry steppes, between lush cultivated vegetation and...
Staatsbürgerschaft an der Grenze
Die georgischsprachigen Ingiloer in Aserbaidschan
The present book “Citizenship at the Border. The Georgian-speaking Ingiloys in Azerbaijan” ethnographically explores, on the one hand, the relationship between state and citizens...
Privatporträts mit Repliken
Zur Sozialgeschichte römischer Bildnisse der mittleren Kaiserzeit
The main intention of this book is to show, that during the Roman Empire the portraits of non-imperial citizens were dublicated in the same way as the portraits of the Emperors....
Verkehrswege in Kaukasien
Ein Integrationsproblem des Zarenreiches 1780–1870
This study investigates Russia’s 100 year expansion into her southern periphery, and the gradual integration of this new territory through infrastructure. These measures...
Governing the Holy City
The Interaction of Social Groups in Jerusalem between the Fatimid and the Ottoman Period
The history of Jerusalem during the Islamic Middle Ages was not confined to the foundation of sanctuaries, and the struggle over their control – even if these aspects could not be...