Classical Philology
La seconda epistola ad Ammeo di Dionigi di Alicarnasso
Studi sulla tradizione manoscritta
In this book, Alessandra Palla provides the first comprehensive investigation into the manuscript tradition of the Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ De thucydidis idiomatibus, commonly...
The manuscript transmission of Platos laws (books I and V)
The study is dedicated to a detailed evaluation of the existing manuscript evidence of Plato's Nomoi as well as to the explanation of the textual tradition of this work. The...
Nicolaus Rheginus als Übersetzer der pseudo-galenischen Schrift De historia philosopha
Ein Beitrag zur lateinischen Überlieferung des Corpus Galenicum
A closer examination of the tradition of ps.Galen’s Historia philosopha reveals that Diels underestimated Nicolaus of Rhegium’s Latin translation and its significance for editing...
Ps.-Manethonis Apotelesmatica
Einleitung, Text, Appendices
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Die vorliegende Edition von De Stefani basiert auf den sechs Büchern von Apotelesmatica (astrologischen...
Zur mittelalterlichen Überlieferung von Aristoteles’ De motu animalium
Die Bedeutung der Übersetzung Wilhelms von Moerbeke und der Paraphrase Alberts des Großen für die griechische Texttradition
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In der vorliegenden Studie wird die Position und die Bedeutung der beiden mittelalterlichen lateinischen...
Die hippokratische Schrift Praecepta
Kritische Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Mit Anhang: Ein Scholion zu Praec. 1
The ancient medical text Praecepta, which contains deontological rules on the ideal behaviour of physicians towards patients and colleagues, is one of the most difficult work of...
Griechisch – Arbeitsbuch zur historischen Phonologie
This book covers he phonological development from Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greek. It is a user-friendly and accessible resource in which all explanations are accompanied by...
Greek – Historical Phonology Workbook
This book uses modern methods of adult education in the field of historical linguistics. It presents a variety of tasks, easy-to-understand exercises and work instructions as well...
Handschriften- und Textforschung heute
Zur Überlieferung der griechischen Literatur. Festschrift für Dieter Harlfinger aus Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages
This volume is a collection of papers on Greek and Byzantine manuscript studies. The main topics covered are related to the textual transmission of texts from Antiquity, to the...
Latin Historical Phonology Workbook
This book has been designed for students of Latin and Indo-European-Linguistics and can be used for university-courses or self-study in order to learn the complex issues of Latin...
Studien zur Verwendung der Lokalpartikeln im Mykenischen
The ‘Studies on the use of local particles in Mycenaean Greek’ close a gap in the analysis of the Mycenaean Greek language. The book offers the first comprehensive analysis of...
Mißgunst, Neid und Eifersucht in der byzantinischen Literatur
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Die Emotion „Phthonos“ spielt in Byzanz (definiert als „Schmerz über das Wohlergehen des anderen“) eine...
Arbeitsbuch zur Lateinischen Historischen Phonologie
This book has been designed for students of Latin and Indo-European-Linguistics and can be used for university-courses or self-study in order to learn the complex issues of Latin...
Äsop – Der frühneugriechische Roman
Einführung, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Kritische Ausgabe
The “Vita Aesopi,” known today as “Aesop's Fables,” characterizes the life of the legendary fabulist Aesop up through his death in Delphi with a variety of funny individual...
Philologische Untersuchungen zur Geschichte einer Gattung in der Antike
Here, Klaus Lennartz presents for the first time his overall view of the antique genre of the Iambos: examining the “Truth effect” of the Solonic Iambic tradition and the...
In cooperation with: Schlegelmilch, Ulrich
Die lateinische Persius-Kommentierung der Traditionen A, D und E
The Latin medieval commentaries of the Roman satirist Persius (AD 34- 62), gathered from obscure ancient material, are published here for the first time in critical editions of 3...
Altgriechisches Lesebuch
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Die Zahl der Studierenden, die erst im Lauf ihres Studiums Gelegenheit bekommen, sich mit der altgriechischen...
»Gnomica Democritea«
Studien zur gnomologischen Überlieferung der Ethik Demokrits und zum Corpus Parisinum mit einer Edition der »Democritea« des Corpus Parisinum
The book “Gnomica Democritea” takes a panoramic view of the fate of Democritus’ ethics by establishing a connection between the lost body of works on ethics and the “gnomological”...
Der imaginierte Nomade
Formel und Realitätsbezug bei antiken, mittelalterlichen und arabischen Autoren
When a pre-modern author writes about nomads, his writing is immediately suspected of being soaked with literary formulae. This suspicion, which is no doubt justified, is for the...
Lateinisches Lesebuch
Latin is still a crucial language for all scholars of diachronic or synchronic linguistics. But more and more students have to learn Latin in a crowded crash-course at the...