
Classical Archaeology

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Editor: Sporn, Katja; Farnoux, Alexandre; Laufer, Eric


New approaches to its history, archaeology and topography. International conference, DAI Athens, 30 March–1 April 2017

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 536 p., paperback / softback
129,00 €

This volume offers a comprehensive insight into ancient Phokis, a region in the heart of Greece. Its history was always shaped by the political and cultural influences of...

Series: Athenaia Volume: 13
Editor: Kunst, M.; Fazeli Nashli, H.; Thomalsky, J.; Reindel, M.; Kaulicke, P.

From Sedentarisation to the Complex Society

Settlement, Economy, Environment, Cult. Proceedings of the workshops in Lisbon, Tehran and Lima

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 580 p., hardback
198,00 €

Three cities, three continents. The volume comprises the discussions held at various locations between 2016 and 2019 in Research Cluster 1 ‘From Sedentarisation to Complex...

Editor: Pirson, Felix; Schütt, Brigitta; Schulz, Thekla

Micro-regions as spaces of socio-ecological Interaction

1st Milestone Workshop of the Project »The Transformation of the Pergamon Micro-region between the Hellenistic and the roman Imperial Period«, Istanbul 11–12 March 2022

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 286 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

The growing awareness of the current climate crisis has led to an increased interest in the investigation of historical human-environment interactions. In this context, the...

Series: Tagungen und Kongresse Volume: 3
Editor: Fless, Friederike; von Rummel, Philipp

Archäologischer Anzeiger

2. Halbband 2023

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 312 p., hardback
40,00 €

Short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects by the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) and by fellow colleagues...

Series: Archäologischer Anzeiger Halbband: 2
Lipps, Johannes; Kreikenbom, Detlev; Osnabrügge, Jonas

Die Mainzer Salus

Gesellschaft und Stadtkultur im Norden der Germania Superior

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 112 p., hardback
24,95 €

The volume at hand introduces a slightly less than life-size female figure with naked torso and hip cloak made of sandstone that was found in the “Zollhafen” of Mainz in October...

Editor: Fless, Friederike; von Rummel, Philipp

Archäologischer Anzeiger

1. Halbband 2023

21.0 x 28.0 cm, 456 p., hardback
40,00 €

Short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects by the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) and by fellow colleagues...

Series: Archäologischer Anzeiger Halbband: 1
By Michael Crawford with a chapter on the architectural reconstruction by Philip Stinson and contributions by Julia Lenaghan, Mustafa D. Somersan, Serra Somersan and Yaşar Demiröz

Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices at the Civil Basilica in Aphrodisias

23.0 x 31.0 cm, 260 p., hardback
89,00 €

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Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices was inscribed on the façade of the city’s Civil Basilica in AD 301. The...

Series: Aphrodisias Volume: XIII
Editor: Brands, Gunnar; Goette, Hans Rupprecht

Neue Ansätze zur Erforschung spätantiker Ideal- und Portraitplastik: Stilkritik, Kontexte, naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen

Beiträge eines Workshops an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg 13.–16. Juni 2018

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 196 p., paperback / softback
69,00 €

The contributions to a workshop on late antique sculpture, held at Halle University in 2018, discuss new findings and research projects as well as archaeometric analyses of...

Series: Tagungen und Kongresse Volume: 2
Buess, Manuel
Editor: Heinzelmann, Michael

Amiternum 1

Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsstruktur im zentralen Abruzzenraum in römischer Zeit

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 496 p., hardback
129,00 €

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Amiternum, wichtiger Zentralort der Sabiner im oberen Aterno-Tal und Geburtsstätte Sallusts, entwickelte sich...

Boecker, Velia

Kulte - Orte - Körperteile

Eine Neubewertung der Weihung anatomischer Votive in Latiums Heiligtümer

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 354 p., hardback
68,00 €

The study focuses on the phenomenon of anatomical votives dedicated into the sanctuaries of ancient Latium (Italy) in the 4th to 1st cent. BC. These anatomical votives have...

Editor: Fless, Friederike; von Rummel, Philipp

Archäologischer Anzeiger

2. Halbband 2022

21.0 x 28.0 cm, 396 p., hardback
40,00 €

Short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects by the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) and by fellow colleagues...

Series: Archäologischer Anzeiger Halbband: 2
Busen, Tobias

Die römische Kaiservilla Pausilypon

Gesamtanlage und Bauten des oberen Plateaus

23.7 x 33.5 cm, 348 p., hardback
119,00 €

The villa Pausilypon is situated on the Bay of Naples and represents one of the few examples of its kind, that can clearly be assigned to the Roman emperors for a period of at...

Series: Denkmäler antiker Architektur Volume: 21
Pasieka , Paul P.

Von Blüten und Krisen

Eine wirtschaftsarchäologische Studie zum kaiserzeitlichen Südetrurien

23.7 x 33.5 cm, 330 p., hardback
112,00 €

The book is focused, on the one hand, on a historiographical analysis of the theoretical and methodological modelling of the structure and performance of the Roman economy. On the...

Series: Archäologische Forschungen Volume: 42
mit Beitragen von Gerwin Abbingh, Volker Grieb, Ulrich Schadler, Sascha Schmitz, Andreas Vott, David Weidgenannt und Timo Willershauser

Thisoa am Lykaion

Ergebnisse der Forschungen

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 380 p., hardback
118,00 €

In Arcadia, on the slope of the Lykaion Mountains and high above the Alpheios Valley, lies the ancient city of Theisoa. The fortified town was laid out after the Synoikismos of...

Huy, Sabine
In cooperation with: Dally, Ortwin; Schunke, Torsten; Prokof'ev, Roman V.

Praktiken der Aneignung

Kulturelle Kontakte im nordöstlichen Azovraum vom späten 7.–3. Jh. v. Chr.

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 680 p., hardback
148,00 €

Once a Greek settlement was founded near the delta of the Don (Russian Federation) in the last quarter of the 7th century B.C., long-term contacts were established with poleis on...

Series: Archäologische Forschungen Volume: 44
Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier

Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier 53/2021

Aus der Arbeit des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 128 p., paperback / softback
12,80 €

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Götterkinder: Ein Streifzug durch die griechisch-römische Mythologie II – M(onsieur) Leo, Moselländer: Zu...

Bell, III, Malcolm

Morgantina Studies VII. The City Plan and Political Agora

Results of the excavations conducted by Princeton University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Virginia

24.0 x 31.5 cm, 444 p., cloth
129,00 €

The orthogonal city plan was adopted in the mid-fifth century BCE and implies a democratic constitution. Almost entirely excavated, Morgantina’s large agora offers a detailed...

Series: Morgantina Studies Volume: VII
mit Beiträgen von Carola Reinsberg und Klaus Fittschen

Antike Plastik

Lieferung 32

22.0 x 29.0 cm, 260 p., hardback
68,00 €

The series »Antike Plastik« is dedicated to the fundamental publication and comprehensive photographic documentation of outstanding works of Greek and Roman sculpture. In...

Series: Antike Plastik Volume: 32
Editor: Fless, Friederike; von Rummel, Philipp

Archäologischer Anzeiger

1. Halbband 2022

21.0 x 28.0 cm, 394 p., hardback
40,00 €

Short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects by the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) and by fellow colleagues...

Series: Archäologischer Anzeiger Halbband: 1
Krämer, Robinson Peter

Etruskische Heiligtümer des 8.–5. Jhs. v. Chr. als Wirtschaftsräume und Konsumptionsorte von Keramik

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 380 p., hardback
119,00 €

While many aspects of Etruscan religion are intensively discussed and studied through current conferences, publications and fieldwork, general research and an overview of the...

Series: Italiká Volume: 8
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