

Results 21 - 40 of 596
Fähnrich, Heinz

Große Kriege und Schlachten der Georgier

Von den Assyrienkriegen bis König Giorgi Lascha

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 117 p., paperback / softback
24,90 €

The most important Georgian battles (wars and battles) within three millennia are presented here in chronological order in a brief overview. The period covers the span from the...

Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Orientalia 6

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

Oriental languages have left their mark on the Italian vocabulary for centuries. Linguistic research into this sphere of language contact has a rich tradition, but there is still...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: 6
Pfister, Max; Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 145

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

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Das "Lessico etimologico italiano" bietet:
1. Das erste etymologische Grundlagenwörterbuch, das systematisch...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: 145
Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Orientalia 5

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

Oriental languages have left their mark on the Italian vocabulary for centuries. Linguistic research into this sphere of language contact has a rich tradition, but there is still...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: 5
Aprile, Marcello; Pfister, Max; Schweickard, Wolfgang; Prifti, Elton

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. D 13

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €
Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: D 13
Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Orientalia 4

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

Oriental languages have left their mark on the Italian vocabulary for centuries. Linguistic research into this sphere of language contact has a rich tradition, but there is still...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: 4
Pfister, Max; Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 144

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

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Das "Lessico etimologico italiano" bietet:
1. Das erste etymologische Grundlagenwörterbuch, das systematisch...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: 144
Dragoni, Federico

Watañi lāntaṃ

Khotanese and Tumshuqese Loanwords in Tocharian

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 332 p., hardback
98,00 €

Contacts between Tocharian A and B and Khotanese and Tumshuqese, four languages once spoken in today’s Xīnjiāng Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China, lack a comprehensive...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 50
Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Orientalia 3

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

Oriental languages have left their mark on the Italian vocabulary for centuries. Linguistic research into this sphere of language contact has a rich tradition, but there is still...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: 3
Palla, Alessandra

La seconda epistola ad Ammeo di Dionigi di Alicarnasso

Studi sulla tradizione manoscritta

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 200 p., cloth
98,00 €

In this book, Alessandra Palla provides the first comprehensive investigation into the manuscript tradition of the Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ De thucydidis idiomatibus, commonly...

Series: Serta Graeca Volume: 36
Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Orientalia 2

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

Oriental languages have left their mark on the Italian vocabulary for centuries. Linguistic research into this sphere of language contact has a rich tradition, but there is still...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: 2
Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. E 12

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 96 p., paperback / softback
110,00 €

No english description available. Showing german description:
Das "Lessico etimologico italiano" bietet:
1. Das erste etymologische Grundlagenwörterbuch, das systematisch...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: E 12
Sadyrbek, Mahabat

Kirgisische Grammatik

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 304 p., paperback / softback
49,90 €

The book composed by Dr. Mahabat Sadyrbek on voluntary basis for more then ten years is a mixture of normative, scientific and comparative grammar of Kyrgyz – one of the oldest...

Indogermanische Gesellschaft

Kratylos, Bd. 67

Kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine SprachwissenschaftAnnual Review of Indo-European and General Linguistics

15.5 x 23.5 cm, 142 p., paperback / softback
99,00 €
Series: Kratylos Volume: 67
Prifti, Elton; Schweickard, Wolfgang

Lessico Etimologico Italiano Orientalia 1

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 128 p., paperback / softback
129,00 €

Oriental languages have left their mark on the Italian vocabulary for centuries. Linguistic research into this sphere of language contact has a rich tradition, but there is still...

Series: Lessico Etimologico Italiano Volume: 1
Schmitt, Rüdiger

Die altpersischen Inschriften der Achaimeniden

Editio minor mit deutscher Übersetzung

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 212 p., hardback
59,00 €

In this book may be found a complete edition and German translation of the Old Persian texts of the mostly trilingual cuneiform inscriptions of the Persian kings from the...

Hill, Eugen; Kümmel, Martin Joachim; Schumacher, Stefan

International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction

14.5 x 21.0 cm, 360 p., paperback / softback
39,90 €

The journal, first published in 2004, covers the field of historical comparative linguistics and comparative reconstruction, particularly of Indo-European languages, though others...

Editor: Suleymanov, Murad; Pastor, Dorian

Tous les chemins mènent à Paris

Studies inspired by Agnes Korn

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 180 p., hardback
59,00 €

This volume is a collection of nine papers by various authors focussing on issues of etymology, historical language contact, morphology and syntax, typological modelling, and folk...

Meier, Rahel

„Mio corpo venga sepolto in terra sancta“ - Genese und Verbreitung eines Wunderberichts des 13. Jahrhunderts

Die Blutacker in Jerusalem, der Heilige Acker in Akkon und der Camposanto zu Pisa

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 256 p., cloth
79,00 €

The book is about the emergence and spread of the miracle report about a supernaturally rapid decomposition of corpses at specific burial sites, so-called holy fields (Campus...

Series: Scrinium Friburgense Volume: 56
Sims-Williams, Nicholas

The Book of Zambasta

Metre and stress in Old Khotanese

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 310 p., hardback
98,00 €

The nature of Old Khotanese metre has been a matter of controversy for more than a century. Nicholas Sims-Williams presents a new metrical analysis of the Book of Zambasta, the...

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik Volume: 49