
Maurer-Joss, Sonja

Dem Leben eine Stimme geben

Zur Bedeutung der Stimme in der Musiktherapie mit behinderten und krebskranken Kindern

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 140 p., 42 illustrations b/w, 1 Stimmtafel als Beilage, paperback / softback
22,00 €

ISBN: 9783895008023
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Table of Contents

Short Description

Voice touches and reflects the state of mind. With its emotional, verbal, and vocal components, the voice is the main medium with which people communicate and come in contact with one another. In a circuit scheme developed by the author that breaks the voice into six different, but gradually intertwining aspects, emotional, verbal, and vocal expression are for the first time given equal consideration and are compared to the child's self- and playful development. Voice and vocal play are described as an important field of music therapy and are explained in terms of their therapeutically effective differentiated functions.

Making use of examples of music therapy practice with severely multiply disabled, language impaired, and cancer afflicted children, theory is combined with experience and provides an understanding to what it means to give life to one voice. Philosophical and literary texts and poems condense the models atmospherically and at the same time metaphorically point out the complexity of the "voice" phenomenon. This also makes the book interesting to people working in other professions that incorporate the voice.

Biographical Note

Sonja Maurer-Joss, geboren 1963, Heilpädagogin, Musikpädagogin, Musiktherapeutin. Langjährige musiktherapeutische Tätigkeit mit krebskranken Kindern im Kinderspital der Uniklinik Bern. Gastdozentin an der berufsbegleitenden Ausbildung Musiktherapie (bam) Zürich. Arbeitet derzeit musikpädagogisch mit gesunden Kindern in Bern und musiktherapeutisch mit behinderten Kindern und schwer mehrfach behinderten Erwachsenen im Zentrum für Entwicklungsförderung und pädiatrische Neurorehabilitation (Z.E.N.) in Biel/BE.


Behinderung (11) || Clinical psychology (140) || Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama) (132) || Medical specialties, branches of medicine (141) || Musiktherapie (125) || Occupational therapy (132) || Psychotherapy (154) || Psychotherapy: child & adolescent (16)