21st century, c 2000 to c 2100
Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Befestigungen 28
Wallanlagen im Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart
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Der Band liefert eine Zusammenfassung aller oberirdisch erhaltenen vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Wallanlagen des...
Translated by: Fähnrich, Heinz
Der Mythos Niko Pirosmani
Auf den Spuren eines kuriosen Künstlerlebens im Georgien der Jahrhundertwende. Übersetzt aus dem Georgischen von Heinz Fähnrich
Today, Niko Pirosmani (1865-1919) is considered one of the most important painters in the history of 20th century art. As a self-taught, penniless vagabond and artist in life, his...
Zwischen den Welten
Kindheit in Krieg und Nachkriegszeit
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Das Buch erzählt Leben aus der Perspektive des Älterwerdens, wenn die Kinder aus dem Haus sind – eine...
Der Heidengraben auf der Uracher Alb
Vor-und frühgeschichtliche Befestigungen 23
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Der Heidengraben ist mit annähernd 1700 ha Fläche die größte frühstädtische Siedlung (‚Oppidum‘) aus...
Tibetan Pastoralists and Development
Negotiating the Future of Grassland Livelihoods
The unique pastoralist economy, society, and culture on the Tibetan plateau has experienced profound changes during the 20th century: An ever closer integration into the Chinese...
Der Rat des Rabbi
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Ein Priester, ein Rabbi und ein Mullah streiten sich über das Problem, wann menschliches Leben beginne. Der...
In cooperation with: Albers, Yvonne
Commitment and Beyond
Reflections on/of the Political in Arabic Literature since the 1940s
This book is about relations between literature, society and politics in the Arab world. It is an attempt to come to terms with the changing conceptualizations of the political in...
Dismember Remember
Das anatomische Theater von Lina Saneh und Rabih Mroué
What happens if a body is dissected with words rather than physically? If what is taken apart is reassembled? What impact does this have on how we see things? This volume is the...
Mittelalter-Renaissance auf der Bühne
Wiederaufleben des mittelalterlichen Dramas und Theaters in der Neuzeit
The study is devoted to tracing the reanimation of medieval drama and theatre in Germany in modern times. Based on a collection of more than 3000 documented performances the...
Satire und Kontext
Gesellschaftskritik in den Dramen des ägyptischen Autors Ali Salem
This study examines the dramas of the Egyptian writer Ali Salem (b. 1936). In addition to determining Salem’s position in literary history and outlining developments in modern...
Conflicting Narratives: War, Trauma and Memory in Iraqi Culture
This volume deals with the Iraqi cultural production under and after Baathist rule, a research field which, in comparison to Iraqi history and politics, has attracted relatively...
Scheiternde Zeugen, machtlose Wähler
Der Zuschauer im zeitgenössischen libanesischen Theater
The study provides new insights into the development of contemporary theatre in Lebanon. Focusing on selected stage works by Rabih Mroué (b. 1967) and Hisham Jaber (b. 1980), the...
Mittelalter-Rezeption im zeitgenössischen Musiktheater
Katalog und Fallstudien
Medieval subjects have played a significant role in the history of opera and musical theater. Since 1945 over 350 works have been set in the Middle Ages or demonstrate a reception...
Palästinensische Autobiographien
Unsere Situation schuf unsere Erinnerungen
The history of Palestine is one written by others, Roman and Arab conquerors, Ottoman and British rulers, and today a Zionist shadow looms. As if finally realizing that claims to...
Geschichten über Geschichten
Erinnerung im Romanwerk von Ilyas Huri
Elias Khoury (b. 1948) is one of the most outstanding figures in Lebanon’s cultural, intellectual and literary life today. The study focuses on the theme of memory in Khoury’s...