European history: medieval period, middle ages
In cooperation with: Goller, Detlef; Hufnagel, Sabrina
Mediävistische Perspektiven im 21. Jahrhundert
Festschrift für Ingrid Bennewitz zum 65. Geburtstag
The Festschrift includes many papers of national and international students, colleagues and friends of Ingrid Bennewitz about her many research and work interests:...
Jenseits der Dichotomie von Text und Bild
Verfahren der Veranschaulichung und Verlebendigung in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit
This volume brings together the research findings of a DFG network of Germanists and art historians. The focus is on processes of visualisation and vivification in the sister arts...
Inschriften zwischen Realität und Fiktion. Vom Umgang mit vergangenen Formen und Ideen
Beiträge zur 12. Internationalen Fachtagung für Epigraphik 5.-8. Mai 2010 in Mainz
The distinction between the true and the false has always been one of the special challenges of historical research. Particularly in the case of inscriptions, it is not uncommon...
Die Inschriften Mayen-Koblenz 1
Ehem. Landkreis Koblenz mit Andernach
In 532 chronologically ordered catalogue numbers, this volume records the annotated inscriptions of the south-eastern part of the present-day district of Mayen-Koblenz (former...
La mort du roi : réalité, littérature, représentation | Der Tod des Königs: Realität, Literatur, Repräsentation
The death of the king was always one of the most significant events in the history of a rule. He gave the impetus to various symbolic representations, to produce a rich literature...
Texte und Studien zur Poetologie des frühen Meistergesangs
Only by the beginning of the 16th century, the „Meistergesang“ develops explicit poetics of rules. In the early anonymous “Meistergesang” of the 14th and 15th century,...
Petrus de Alvernia. Scriptum super III-VIII libros Politicorum Aristotelis
Edizione, introduzione e note
This is the first critical edition of the most significant medieval commentary on Books III-VIII of Aristotle’s Politics. This commentary was intended as a continuation of Thomas...
Wizlav. Sangsprüche und Minnelieder
Melodien, Texte, Übersetzungen, Kommentar
Wizlav (the boy), who was probably identical with Prince Wizlav III of Rügen († 1325), was not only a creator of original texts, but also a gifted melodist. Among the authors of...
Bücher und Identitäten
Literarische Reproduktionskulturen der Vormoderne. Überstorfer Colloquium 2016
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Das Format der Literatur, ihre materielle und mediale Erscheinung im handgeschriebenen Codex oder im gedruckten...
Lettres, chiffres, notes et symboles au Moyen Âge
Dedicated to the question of the sign, this volume brings together the three plenary lectures given by Daniel Heller-Roazen (Philosophy and Comparative Literature, Princeton),...
Untersuchungen zu deutschsprachigen und mittelniederländischen Rotuli
This book is the first to offer a thorough examination of German-language and Middle Dutch texts transmitted in the medium of the scroll. The study attempts to focus on rotuli as...
Die Gebete Johanns von Neumarkt und die deutschsprachige Gebetbuchkultur des Spätmittelalters
Johann von Neumarkt (ca. 1310-1380) created a corpus of German-language prayers that is reconstructed on the basis of the manuscript tradition. A stylistic study as well as...
Die einstimmigen Lieder Oswalds von Wolkenstein
Edition der Melodien und Kommentar
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Eine wissenschaftlich reflektierte Gesamtausgabe der rund 100 einstimmigen Melodien Oswalds von Wolkenstein galt...
Wege in die Geschichte durch Erzählen von Vergangenheit in der Frühen Neuzeit
The examination of historical images in selected works from the 16th century offers a fundamental insight into how the Early Modern Period related to the past, especially the High...
Zwischen Tugend und Laster
Weibliche Rollenbilder in den Tragedi und Comedi des Hans Sachs
The present study is the first to examine in detail a representative corpus of the tragedi and comedi with female protagonists written by the Nuremberg author Hans Sachs. On the...
Wahnsinn und Ekstase
Literarische Konfigurationen zwischen christlicher Antike und Mittelalter
›Wahnsinn‹ (insanity) is an enigmatic term with a huge variety of meanings. This variety ranges from labelling mental illnesses or behaviour which is incomprehensible, unreliable...
Editor: Fajen, Robert
Le livre du Chevalier errant
From 1394 to 1396 the Piedmontese marquis Thomas III of Saluzzo wrote a long encyclopaedic novel in French in which a knight wanders through the three allegorical worlds of Cupid,...
Fiktionalität trans- und intermedial
Arthurische Möglichkeitsräume in Mittelalter und Moderne
In this dissertation the author asks if the people in the Middle Ages already had an awareness of fictionality in today’s sense. She investigates this question through a...
Die Kniga palomnik des Antonij von Novgorod
Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar
This book contains the first study of the text transmission of the Kniga palomnik by Anthony of Novgorod. From the philological perspective, the edition offers a new text basis...
Thomas Murners 'Aeneis'-Übersetzung (1515)
Lateinisch-deutsche Edition und Untersuchungen
The first ever German translation of Virgil's 'Aeneid' is that of the Franciscan, doctor of theology, jurist and poeta laureatus Thomas Murner (1475-1537). Its cultural and...