Die Inschriften des Landkreises Mansfeld-Südharz I: Die Inschriften der Stadt Eisleben
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Der Band enthält in 230 Artikeln die vom 13. Jahrhundert bis zum Jahr 1666 entstandenen Inschriften der...
Leben in der mittelalterlichen Stadt. Neue archäobiologische Forschungen
Workshop 29. November 2019, Berlin
This volume contains papers from a workshop on “Life in the medieval town – new archaeobiological research” held in November 2019. Results of zoological, botanical and...
A Layered History of Karakorum
Stratigraphy and Periodization in the City Center
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The up to 5 m thick stratigraphy in the center of Karakorum, the most important city of the Mongol Empire north...
Craft Production in the Mongol Empire
Karakorum and its Artisans
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The book offers for the first time an in-depth study of craft production in the capital of the Mongol Empire,...
Stadtrekonstruktionen von Trier im Mittelalter
The volume presents the appearance of the cathedral city on the Moselle in the two periods around 1120 and 1430 in overall reconstructions. While the high medieval Trier is still...
Die Inschriften der Stadt Regensburg
IV. Das Kollegiatstift Unserer Lieben Frau zur Alten Kapelle
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Der vierte Band Regensburgs bietet die Inschriften der Basilika des 875 von Ludwig dem Deutschen gegründeten und...
Die Inschriften des Landkreises Schwäbisch Hall II
Altkreis Schwäbisch Hall und Limpurger Land
In 1518 catalog articles, the volume contains the inscriptions of the old district of Schwäbisch Hall and the north-eastern part of the former district of Backnang from the...
Die Inschriften der Stadt Meißen
The inscriptional tradition of the city of Meissen, which this two-part volume presents in an annotated edition, extends from the 13th century to 1650, focussing on the episcopal...
Die Inschriften der Stadt Landshut
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Der Band widmet sich den Inschriften der Stadt Landshut in ihren heutigen Gemeindegrenzen. Erfasst wurden alle...
Heiligtümer im Bereich von Stadtmauern und Stadttoren
Festkolloquium aus Anlass des 100jährigen Jubiläums der Kerameikosgrabung des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in Athen
On the occasion of the celebration of 100 years of excavations conducted by the German Archaeological Institute in Athens in the Kerameikos site, a colloquium was organized in...
Die Inschriften der Stadt Magdeburg
The volume contains 438 catalogue items with almost 800 inscriptions that could be recorded from the original and copy tradition. The collection reflects the history of Magdeburg...
Mitteilungen zur Spätantiken Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte
Identity and cultural exchange in ancient Cilicia: New results and future Perspectives Internationales Kolloquium 18. – 19. Mai 2018 in München
The publication on Rough Cilicia "Identity and cultural Exchange in Ancient Cilicia: New Results and Future Perspectives" combines the results of a workshop held at the...
Die Inschriften der Stadt Wittenberg
Teil 1: Einleitung, Register, Quellen und Literatur, Zeichnungen und Abbildungen. Teil 2: Die Inschriften
The two-part volume contains 552 catalogue items of inscriptions that have survived for the old town and the historic cemeteries of Wittenberg. The collection begins with the...
Organizing an Urban Way of Life in the Steppe
Water, Agriculture, Townscape and Economy in the Early Islamic Town of Kharab Sayyar
Organizing an Urban Way of Life in the Steppe – Water, Agriculture, Townscape and Economy in the Early Islamic Town of Kharab Sayyar.
As the third volume in this series,...
La necropoli di Vetulonia nel periodo orientalizzante
Excavations in the late 19th and early 20th century in the cemetery of the Etruscan city of Vetulonia unearthed many opulent ‘princely graves’ dating to the Orientalizing period...
Editor: Stroszeck, Jutta
Das Dipylon
The Dipylon was the largest and most impressive gate of the ancient fortification of the city of Athens. The investigation is based on an exhaustive analysis of the architectural...
Die Inschriften des Landkreises Schaumburg
This volume contains the annotated edition of 664 inscriptions and 74 dates and initials on objects dating from the 12th century to the year 1650. Having been an independent...
In cooperation with: Giersiepen, Helga
Die Inschriften der Stadt Xanten
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Der Band präsentiert in ca. 260 Katalognummern die mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Inschriften der Stadt...
Les mises en discours de la ville
The city is considered one of the most significant symbols of human cultural development, in the course of which speaking and writing in the city and about the city play a very...
Das heilige Tor
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Das Heilige Tor liegt nur 42 m vom größten Stadttor Athens, dem Dipylon, entfernt und gehört ebenso wie dieses...