Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 79
Kratylos, Band 49
Kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
A Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic
A ”Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic” is the first dictionary of its kind to appear in well over a century, i. e. after a stretch of time during which, thanks to the endeavors...
The Conflict of Voices in the Poetry of Dennis Brutus and Mahmud Darwish
A Comparative Study
A comparative analysis of the work of the South African poet Dennis Brutus (1924-2009) and the Palestinian poet Maḥmūd Darwīsh (1942-2008), this study aims to demonstrate how a...
Muhammad Iqbal’s Romanticism of Power
A Post-Structural Approach to His Persian Lyrical Poetry
A study of the Persian poetry of Muḥammad Iqbāl (1877-1938), today Pakistan’s national poet, this work identifies the position his poems occupied between tradition and modernity,...
Martyrdom in Literature
Visions of Death and Meaningful Suffering in Europe and the Middle East from Antiquity to Modernity
This book aims to achieve a deeper understanding of the very human phenomenon of martyrdom by analysing in detail its highly varied re-enactments in European and Middle Eastern...
Writers and Rulers
Perspectives on Their Relationship from Abbasid to Safavid Times
Nine essays explore the ways in which individual Arabic and Persian authors between the 9th and 17th centuries (with examples drawn from the Abbasid to the Safavid dynasties)...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 78
Lessico Etimologico Italiano. Band 8 (VIII)
bullare–*bz- / indice
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Das "Lessico etimologico italiano" bietet:
1. Das erste etymologische Grundlagenwörterbuch, das systematisch...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 77
Lessico Etimologico Italiano
Einbanddecke VIII
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 76
In cooperation with: Gren-Eklund, Gunilla
The Baloch and Their Neighbours
Ethnic and Linguistic Contact in Balochistan in Historical and Modern Times
The present volume contains the contributions of an international symposium on linguistic contact in Balochistan. The issues treated range from linguistic contact of Balochi and...
Crossings and Passages in Genre and Culture
Crossings and Passages in Genre and Culture scrutinizes the fascinating and diverse wanderings forms of artistic expression, in particular literature, have taken through different...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 75
Revised by: Schulz, Eckehard
Modernes Hocharabisch
Lehrbuch für Fortgeschrittene, Dolmetscher und Übersetzer. Übersetzen, Dolmetschen, Konversation, Fachwortschatz
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Dieses Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk für Arabisten, Dolmetscher, Übersetzer und Arabischlehrer vermittelt...
Eine integrierte »turkoarabische« Romangeschichte (Mitte 19. bis Mitte 20. Jahrhundert)
Brückenschläge (Building Bridges) is the first detailed and systematic comparison of two modern Middle Eastern literatures, taking the novel genre as a paradigm. The study’s...
Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia
Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002
The volume contains forty-one papers dedicated to the distinguished Iranianist by colleagues, friends and former students, and a complete bibliography of the dedicatee. The papers...
Editor: Pfister, Max
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 74
Crisis and Memory
The Representation of Space in Modern Levantine Narrative
This volume explores the literary representation of social and political crises that have punctuated the second half of the 20th century in the Middle East. From the creation of...