Arabische Korrespondenz
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"Arabische Korrespondenz" ist ein Praxis bezogenes Handbuch und vermittelt Studenten, Praktikern,...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano
Germanismi vol. 1, fasc. 4
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 87
Die nordjemenitischen Dialekte (Glossar)
Buchstaben Fa–Ya
This volume completes the three volume work on dialects in North-Yemen. Like in the preceding volumes interesting words are annotated and etymologically explained where possible.
Das Lexikon »Über die Syntax«
Untersuchung und kritische Ausgabe des Lexikons im Codex Paris. Coisl. gr. 345
The lexicon “On syntax” has been preserved in one manuscript of the 10th century - in the precious codex Paris. Coisl. gr. 345. The lexicon has been composed between the end of...
The Nouns of Koranic Arabic Arranged by Topics
A Companion Volume to the “Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic”
This dictionary undertakes, for the first time, to group the substantives and adjectives in the Arabic Koran by topics, with glosses in English. The categories are partly derived ...
Kratylos, Band 51
Kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Kleines Wörterbuch der innerromanischen lexikalischen Besonderheiten
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Dieses Wörterbuch, das sich in erster Linie an fortgeschrittene Kenner und Praktiker des Französischen,...
Poetry’s Voice – Society’s Norms
Forms of Interaction between Middle Eastern Writers and their Societies
Literary works are much more than mere illustrations of societal conditions. Literature is the setting in which society discusses itself. In this volume, international scholars of...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 86
Bongornu, kif int?
Einführung in die maltesische Sprache. Schlüssel und Wörterverzeichnis
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Maltesisch ist eine Mischsprache aus einem semitischen Grundstock und starken italienischen und englischen...
Die Figur des Beduinen in der arabischen Literatur
9. bis 12. Jahrhundert
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Im Zentrum der Studie steht die Beduinenfigur, die im Kontext nomadisch-sesshafter Beziehungen untersucht wird....
Reflections on Reflections
Near Eastern Writers Reading Literature
This volume assembles the papers read at a symposium on the diverse forms of literature reception and intertextuality in Middle Eastern literatures in general and Arabic...
Erzählte Tradition
Historische und literarische Figuren im Werk von Zakariya Tamir. Eine narratologische Analyse
Zakariyyā Tāmir (b. 1931) is generally considered to be one of the most innovative authors in contemporary Arabic literature. One characteristic of his short stories is how they...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano. Band 9 (IX)
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Das "Lessico etimologico italiano" bietet:
1. Das erste etymologische Grundlagenwörterbuch, das systematisch...
Lessico Etimologico Italiano
Einbanddecke IX
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 85
Lessico Etimologico Italiano Lfg. 84
Towards a Historical Grammar of Balochi
Studies in Balochi Historical Phonology and Vocabulary
The main part of the book is a new systematic treatment of the historical phonology of Balochi. Comparing important related languages (chiefly Avestan, New Persian and Parthian),...