7th century, c 600 to c 699
Aus den Tiefenschichten der Texte
Beiträge zur turko-iranischen Welt von der Islamisierung bis zur Gegenwart
Being case studies, the contributions to this volume highlight various aspects of the Turco-Iranian world starting from the Islamization in the 7th century up to the present day....
Das byzantinische Priene
Stadt und Umland
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Das Buch behandelt die urbanistische Entwicklung des westkleinasiatischen Priene und seines Umlandes, welches...
Late Antique and Early Christian Gems
Throughout the Middle Ages, Roman gems and cameos were highly valued as intrinsically precious objects or even as possessing magical properties. During the Renaissance, large...
Scribes, Texts, and Rituals in Early Tibet and Dunhuang
Proceedings of the Third Old Tibetan Studies Panel held at the Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Vancouver 2010
This volume presents new findings and original research concerning early Tibet and the social and the Tibetan Empire (c. 600–850 CE). Demonstrating the methodological breadth of...
Die Alttürkenzeit in Mittel- und Zentralasien
Archäologische und historische Studien
This study analyses aspects of the archaeology and history of the period of the Türk Qaghanats in Central Asia (ca. A.D. 550-750). A main focus is to assess the political, social...
Die Christianisierung der Städte der Provinz Scythia Minor
Ein Beitrag zum spätantiken Urbanismus auf dem Balkan
Until the 7th century, the province Scythia Minor, situated between the mouth of the Danube and the Western shore of the Black Sea, was an important military and ecclesiopolitical...
Christliche Archäologie compact
Ein topographischer Überblick. Europa – Asien – Afrika
“Christian archaeology compact” is the first overview of the whole of the archaeological places and certifications of this discipline. The framework extends geographically from...
Frühchristliche Reliquiare im Kontext von Kultstrategien, Heilserwartung und sozialer Selbstdarstellung
This study for the first time provides a comprehensive analysis of early Christian reliquaries in the context of their meaning and various uses. Taking into account all documented...
Treasures of the Ferrell Collection
James Ferrell has collected Greek and Roman antiquities for many years to satisfy his life-long interest in ancient history. His collection is particularly important for its...
Die antike Stadt im Umbruch
Kolloquium in Darmstadt, 19. bis 20. Mai 2006
This volume covers the conference “The Ancient City in Transition,” which was held in May 2006 in Darmstadt, Germany. The central theme is the change and design of urban space...
The Apse, the Image and the Icon
An Historical Perspective of the Apse as a Space for Images
This book deals with the apse as a showcase for images in the early Christian and early Byzantine periods. Two opposed traditions, harking back to early imperial times, nourished...
Spätantike und byzantinische Elfenbeinbildwerke im Diskurs
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Aus dem Inhalt:
Arun Banerjee: Non-destructive Investigation of Ivory by FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy -...
Coins and Tokens from Ancient Ceylon
Ancient Ruhuna. Sri Lanka-German Archaeological Project in the Southern Province. Vol. 2. Ed. by H.-J. Weisshaar, S. Dissanayake and W. Wijeyapala
Coins are a principal source to elucidate both the pattern of trade between Sri Lanka and the western world in late antiquity and the island’s monetary and economic history. The...
Das Lexikon »Über die Syntax«
Untersuchung und kritische Ausgabe des Lexikons im Codex Paris. Coisl. gr. 345
The lexicon “On syntax” has been preserved in one manuscript of the 10th century - in the precious codex Paris. Coisl. gr. 345. The lexicon has been composed between the end of...
Daniel in der Löwengrube
Zur Gesetzmäßigkeit frühchristlicher Ikonographie
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Dies ist die erste Monographie zum frühchristlichen „Daniel in der Löwengrube“, eines der am häufigsten...
Die koptischen Textilien im museum kunst palast Düsseldorf
Teil 1: Wirkereien mit figürlichen Motiven
There are about 500 Coptic textiles among the holdings of the museum kunst palast in Düsseldorf. This catalogue presents those with figural motifs, 150 all told. Of particular...
Leben in der Stadt. Oberitalien zwischen römischer Kaiserzeit und Mittelalter
Abitare in città. La Cisalpina tra impero e medioevo. Kolloquium am 4. und 5. November 1999 in Rom
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In der Spätantike erlebten die Städte im Kernland des Römerreiches einen tiefgreifenden Wandel: Mit der...
Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia
Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002
The volume contains forty-one papers dedicated to the distinguished Iranianist by colleagues, friends and former students, and a complete bibliography of the dedicatee. The papers...
Spätantike Bauskulptur aus Oxyrhynchos
Lokale Produktion – äußere Einflüsse
The architectural sculpture produced at Oxyrhynchus, capital of the late Roman province of Arcadia in Middle Egypt, is analysed in detail and related to the development of the...
Bildlichkeit und Bildorte von Liturgie
Schauplätze in Spätantike, Byzanz und Mittelalter
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Liturgien führen Himmel und Erde zusammen. Sie sind umfassende Kommunikationsgeschehen, die sich auf vielfältige...