Ancient History
Editor: Bumke, Helga
Inschriften von Didyma
Supplement unter Mitwirkung von Rudolf Haensch
The volume presents some 300 inscriptions from a period of one millennium, from the 6th century BC to the 6th century AD which provide manifold insights into the history of the...
Archäologischer Anzeiger
1. Halbband 2023
Short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects by the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) and by fellow colleagues...
Leben in der mittelalterlichen Stadt. Neue archäobiologische Forschungen
Workshop 29. November 2019, Berlin
This volume contains papers from a workshop on “Life in the medieval town – new archaeobiological research” held in November 2019. Results of zoological, botanical and...
A Layered History of Karakorum
Stratigraphy and Periodization in the City Center
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The up to 5 m thick stratigraphy in the center of Karakorum, the most important city of the Mongol Empire north...
Craft Production in the Mongol Empire
Karakorum and its Artisans
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The book offers for the first time an in-depth study of craft production in the capital of the Mongol Empire,...
Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices at the Civil Basilica in Aphrodisias
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Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices was inscribed on the façade of the city’s Civil Basilica in AD 301. The...
Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 138, 2023
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In seinem Jahrbuch (JdI) publiziert das Deutsche Archäologische Institut seit 1885 jährlich im Schnitt sieben...
Stadtrekonstruktionen von Trier im Mittelalter
The volume presents the appearance of the cathedral city on the Moselle in the two periods around 1120 and 1430 in overall reconstructions. While the high medieval Trier is still...
Neue Ansätze zur Erforschung spätantiker Ideal- und Portraitplastik: Stilkritik, Kontexte, naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen
Beiträge eines Workshops an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg 13.–16. Juni 2018
The contributions to a workshop on late antique sculpture, held at Halle University in 2018, discuss new findings and research projects as well as archaeometric analyses of...
Editor: Heinzelmann, Michael
Amiternum 1
Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsstruktur im zentralen Abruzzenraum in römischer Zeit
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Amiternum, wichtiger Zentralort der Sabiner im oberen Aterno-Tal und Geburtsstätte Sallusts, entwickelte sich...
Istanbuler Mitteilungen 72, 2022
The current volume brings together a range of contributions dedicated to diverse material evidence in various Turkish regions from different periods: Besides the investigation of...
La seconda epistola ad Ammeo di Dionigi di Alicarnasso
Studi sulla tradizione manoscritta
In this book, Alessandra Palla provides the first comprehensive investigation into the manuscript tradition of the Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ De thucydidis idiomatibus, commonly...
Archäologie des Mittelalters in Baden-Württemberg
For about 60 years, the archaeology of the Middle Ages has been pursued as a separate research discipline in Baden-Württemberg. This book is the first to present a synopsis of the...
Die römischen Metallgefäße aus Mainz und Rheinhessen
Inklusive der Bestände des Landesmuseums Mainz ohne Provenienzangaben
The catalogue of 461 Roman metal vessels from Mainz and Rhine-Hesse provides for the first time a comprehensive overview of this important group of materials for the legionary...
Kulte - Orte - Körperteile
Eine Neubewertung der Weihung anatomischer Votive in Latiums Heiligtümer
The study focuses on the phenomenon of anatomical votives dedicated into the sanctuaries of ancient Latium (Italy) in the 4th to 1st cent. BC. These anatomical votives have...
Archäologischer Anzeiger
2. Halbband 2022
Short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects by the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) and by fellow colleagues...
Die altsüdarabischen Minuskelinschriften auf Holzstäbchen aus der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek in München
Band 2 Die altsabäischen und minäaischen Inschriften. Mit einem Anhang: Unbeschriftete Objekte und Fälschungen
The texts carved in wooden sticks from Ancient Yemen comprise legal and business documents, correspondence by letter as well as records from religious practice and school...
Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier 53/2021
Aus der Arbeit des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier
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Götterkinder: Ein Streifzug durch die griechisch-römische Mythologie II – M(onsieur) Leo, Moselländer: Zu...
Morgantina Studies VII. The City Plan and Political Agora
Results of the excavations conducted by Princeton University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Virginia
The orthogonal city plan was adopted in the mid-fifth century BCE and implies a democratic constitution. Almost entirely excavated, Morgantina’s large agora offers a detailed...
Antike Plastik
Lieferung 32
The series »Antike Plastik« is dedicated to the fundamental publication and comprehensive photographic documentation of outstanding works of Greek and Roman sculpture. In...