Ceramic & glass: artworks
Das severische Vexillationskastell Myd(---) und die spätantiken castra Madensia / Gheriat el-Garbia am limes Tripolitanus (Libyen)
II Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen im Kastell, im Steinbruch, in den Heiligtümern und am Beobachtungsturm 2009-2010
The Roman fort of Gheriat el-Garbia is located 280 km south of Tripoli in the pre-desert, above an oasis, on the central route into the Fezzan. Along with Bu Ngem and Ghadames, it...
Ausgrabungen in der Unterstadt von Boğazköy II
Der Große Tempel von Ḫattuša, die Magazine in seinem Umfeld und das sogenannte Südareal
The so-called Great Temple and the monumental buildings in its vicinity characterize the Hittite capital Ḫattuša (UNESCO World Heritage Site) until today. The detailed...
Editor: Mackensen, Michael; Schmid, Sebastian
Die italische Terra Sigillata mit Auflagenverzierung
Katalog der Applikenmotive
Ludwig Ohlenroth, who was born in Augsburg in 1892 and died there in 1959, was not only active as an excavator and heritage conservation officer for several decades, particularly...
Ceramic Technology, Production and Use in an Urban Settlement on the Middle Nile
The Pottery Assemblage from Late Meroitic Hamadab, Sudan (2nd to 4th century A.D.)
The presentation of a large ceramic corpus from Hamadab, an ancient town on the Middle Nile, provides an important contribution to the research on Meroitic pottery. The systematic...
In cooperation with: Dirksen, Svenja C.; Kurz, Eva
Die Sammlung Kiseleff im Martin-von-Wagner-Museum der Universität Würzburg
Teil I: Ägyptische und koptische Antiken
In 1982, in the 400th year of the second founding of the Julius Maximilian University Würzburg, Alexander Kiseleff (1919–2002) donated a large part of his private collection of...
Das severische Vexillationskastell Myd(---) / Gheriat el-Garbia am limes Tripolitanus (Libyen)
I Forschungsgeschichte, Vermessung, Prospektionen und Funde 2009-2010
In 2009/10, four seasons were conducted in the Roman fort located 280 km south of Tripoli. The focus of the interdisciplinary project, funded by LMUexcellent, was the fort, built...
Italische und nordafrikanische Lampen des 1. bis 5. Jahrhunderts
Römische Lampen der Sammlung K. Wilhelm
In addition to some Italian picture lamps of the 1st century A.D., the main focus of K. Wilhelm's lamp collection is on 41 lamps of the middle and late imperial period produced in...
Italische Terra Sigillata aus Iuvavum/Salzburg
Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs- und Handelsgeschichte des augusteischen vicus und des municipium Claudium Iuvavum
Due to its large scale distribution and chronological relevance, Italian Terra Sigillata, which was produced in large quantities in Upper, Central and Southern Italy as well as...
Relief- und stempelverzierte nordafrikanische Sigillata des späten 2. bis 6. Jahrhunderts
Römisches Tafelgeschirr der Sammlung K. Wilhelm
This study focuses on the wide range of vessel forms and decoration of the rare appliqué-decorated red slip ware from northern Tunisia, and especially the appliqué-, relief- and...
Organizing an Urban Way of Life in the Steppe
Water, Agriculture, Townscape and Economy in the Early Islamic Town of Kharab Sayyar
Organizing an Urban Way of Life in the Steppe – Water, Agriculture, Townscape and Economy in the Early Islamic Town of Kharab Sayyar.
As the third volume in this series,...
Olympia in frühbyzantinischer Zeit
Siedlung – Landwirtschaftliches Gerät – Grabfunde – Spolienmauer
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Die in dem Band vereinten Beiträge analysieren den grundlegenden Struktur- und Funktionswandel des im frühen...
Mulva VI
Die Kleinfunde/Los hallazgos menores
More than fifty years of excavation and research in the Municipium Flavium Muniguense, or Munigua (Mulva) have yielded a great number of minor objects. Those objects were found...
Panathenäische Preisamphoren aus dem Kerameikos zu Athen
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Seit Beginn der Grabungen auf dem Kerameikos zu Athen, der Staatsnekropole vor den Toren der Stadt, kommen...
Figur und Raum in der frühgriechischen Flächenkunst
Archäologisches Symposion für Hanna Koenigs-Philipp Liebieghaus Frankfurt am Main im Juni 2008
This volume collects eight contributions of specialists in the field of early Greek art history on the topic of one of the core themes of Western visual culture. It deals with the...
Offizielle Symbole griechischer Poleis und Bundesstaaten
In this study the original Greek phenomenon of state symbols, so-called Parasema, is examined for the first time and comprehensively. These mostly small symbols that Greek poleis...
Attisch rotfigurige und schwarzgefirnißte Lekanides
Subject of the book is the cultural-historical significance of the lekanis produced in Athens in the 5th and 4th century BC, reaching its zenith in the first half of the 4th...
Ägyptische Terrakotten in Würzburg (Schenkung Gütte)
Heft 2: Götter I. Griechische und ägyptische Gottheiten
This booklet continues the publication of the Egyptian terracotta figurines from the F. Gütte donation in the Martin von Wagner-Museum of Würzburg University. While the previous...
Späthellenistische und frühkaiserzeitliche Keramik aus Priene
Untersuchungen zu Herkunft und Produktion
Provenance and production of late Hellenistic and early Imperial pottery from Priene at the Asia Minor West coast are analysed on the basis of two complexes, one from the South...
Die rote Feinkeramik von Aizanoi als lokaler Kulturträger
Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von lokaler roter Feinkeramik und importierter Sigillata
The subject of this survey is the local red glaze ware of Aizanoi found in several architectural complexes during excavations in the years 1980 to 2001. Beside the red glaze ware,...
Karatepe-Aslantas, Azatiwataya
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Nach “Karatepe - Aslantaş. Azatiwataya. Die Bildwerke” ist dieser Band der zweite Teil der Abschlussberichte zur...