
Herausgeber: Müller-Wiener, Martina; Korn, Lorenz

Central Periphery? Art, Culture and History of the Medieval Jazira (Northern Mesopotamia, 8th-15th centuries)

Papers on the Conference held at the University of Bamberg, 31 October–2 November, 2012

17,0 x 24,0 cm, 280 S., 37 farb. Abb., 79 s/w Abb., Gebunden
98,00 €

ISBN: 9783954901982
zur E-Book Version

Kurze Beschreibung

The medieval Jazira has still to offer a multitude of topics for research. As a crossroads in which artistic currents from different regions met, it is unique in the history of the Near East, and at the same time, as a cultural landscape in which different traditions were worked into a dense fabric of material expressions, it is also characteristic of the history of this larger region. There will certainly be more to be discovered in and about this region that can throw light on its history and culture.


The series Studies in Islamic Art and Archaeology Studien zur islamischen Kunst und Archäologie provides a fore for monograph studies of research in art history, in material and visual culture and in the archaeology of Islamic countries. The series is interested in new scholarship that presents architecture, objects, arts of the book, other visual media, and studies on excavations. While it emphasizes a plurality of methodological approaches and welcomes empirical and interpretive studies, the series is devoted to a high standard in presenting visual evidence. It also takes into account textual and epigraphic sources, transcultural reception and historiography. The series covers the early Islamic to the modern periods and ranges from the Western to the Eastern lands of Islamic culture. Contributions are devoted to individual objects, groups, or wider themes including thematic anthologies and conference proceedings. Publications in English or German are preferred, while other languages are possible, and each book offers an extensive English summary. The series is committed to a high quality in production and in the reproduction of colour and black-and-white images, and line drawings.


Alte Welt (146) || Architektur (167) || Archäologie (541) || Archäologie einer Periode / Region (457) || Geschichte (842) || Gesellschaft und Kultur, allgemein (417) || Historische Staaten, Reiche und Regionen (233) || Islamische Kunstgeschichte (15) || Islamische Länder (12) || Kultur (51) || Kunst: Themen und Techniken (402) || Kunstgeschichte (242) || Mesopotamien (31) || Politische, sozioökonomische und strategische Gruppierungen (12) || Religion (45) || islamische Archäologie (7)