Übersetzer: Arndt-Kunimoto, Frauke; Fuchs, Mariko
Der strahlende Berg
Geschichten aus Fukushima
Im Buch wird detailliert, realitätsnah und nachvollziehbar beschrieben, wie die Menschen in Fukushima die Katastrophe erlebt und sich damit auseinandergesetzt haben. Allerdings...
The Life and Works of Karma ’phrin las pa (1456–1539)
Nonsectarian Scholar Mystic of Southern Tibet
Das Buch präsentiert eine historische Untersuchung des Lebens und der Schriften des Karma ’phrin las pa im Kontext seiner Zeit unter Klärung sei-ner spirituellen Rollen und...
Herausgeber: Cicuzza, Claudio
A Descriptive Catalogue of Burmese Manuscripts in the Fragile Palm Leaves Collection
Volume 1
We are pleased to present the three volumes compiled by Peter Nyunt in the series "Material for the Study ofthe Tripitaka". The Fragile Palm Leavcs Foundation manuscript...
Herausgeber: Cicuzza, Claudio
A Descriptive Catalogue of Burmese Manuscripts in the Fragile Palm Leaves Collection
Volume 2
We are pleased to present the three volumes compiled by Peter Nyunt in the series "Material for the Study ofthe Tripitaka". The Fragile Palm Leavcs Foundation manuscript...
Herausgeber: Cicuzza, Claudio
A Descriptive Catalogue of Burmese Manuscripts in the Fragile Palm Leaves Collection
Volume 3
We are pleased to present the three volumes compiled by Peter Nyunt in the series "Material for the Study ofthe Tripitaka". The Fragile Palm Leavcs Foundation manuscript...
The Illuminating Mirror
Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per K. Sørensen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
Die Festschrift umfasst 33 internationale Beiträge von Kollegen und Wegbegleitern von Per K. Sørensen, einer der führenden Vertreter der Tibetwissenschaften, der seit 20 Jahren...
Shakya-mchog-ldan, Mahapandita des Klosters gSer-mdog-can
Leben und Werk nach den tibetischen Quellen
gSer-mdog Paṇ-chen Shākya-mchog-ldan (1428-1507) gilt westlichen Tibetologen als eine der herausragenden Gelehrtenpersönlichkeiten der tibetischen Sa-skya-Tradition. Das Interesse...
Nomad Military Power in Iran and Adjacent Areas in the Islamic Period
Die Beiträge zu diesem Sammelband beleuchten die politische und militärische Rolle und Bedeutung nomadischer Gruppen in Iran und angrenzenden Regionen an historischen...
Searching for the Dharma, Finding Salvation – Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space
Proceedings of the Workshop "Buddhist Pilgrimage in History and Present Times" at the Lumbini International Research Institute (LIRI), Lumbini, 11 -13 January 2010
Zum Begriff ’namarupa:’
Das Individuum im Pali-Kanon
Nāmarūpa (wörtlich “Name und Gestalt”) ist weithin bekannt als buddhistische Bezeichnung für ein Individuum, das aus den fünf Gruppen (P. khandhas, Sk. skandhas) besteht, und...
A Critical Edition of the Tibetan Translation of the Mahaparinirvana-mahasutra
The Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra, the great sūtra on the parinirvāna of the Buddha, narrates the legends of the last time of the Buddha’s life in a particular way, which differs from...
A Pali letter on monastic boundaries by King Rama IV of Siam
“Simavicarana” presents an annotated romanized edition of a letter composed in Pali by Thera Vajiranana - that is, by King Mogkut (Rama IV) of Siam when he was a monk before he...
Pitakamala. »The Garland of the Pitaka«
“Pitakamala” or “The Garland of the Pitaka” is a Northern Thai text that describes the Buddhist scriptures as they were traditionally transmitted in palm-leaf manuscripts kept in...
A Mirror Reflecting the Entire World
The Pali »Buddhapadamangala« or »Auspicius Signs on the Buddha’s Feet«. Critical Edition with English Translation
The “Buddhapadamangala” is an anonymous work in the corpus of Pali literature transmitted in Siam. Its starting point is the conventional description of the wheel mark on the...
Plants in Early Buddhism and the Far Eastern Idea of the Buddha-Nature of Grasses and Trees
A synoptic romanized edition
The present volume is a romanized collation of four Pali manuscripts of the „Jambupati-sutra“, supplemented by Pali passages extracted from two old Thai-language versions. The...
Buddhism and Buddhist Literature of South-East Asia
Selected Papers ed. by Claudio Cicuzza
The twelve essays in this volume survey aspects of Buddhism and Buddhist literature in pre-modern South-East Asia and Thailand, drawing on Pali and vernacular texts, liturgy, and...
Buddhist Iconography and Ritual in Paintings and Line Drawings from Nepal
This book is divided into three sections. The first section introduces one specific tradition of Siddhas transmitted by artists from Nepal. This artistic legacy, which is related...
Red mda' ba. Buddhist Yogi-Scholar of the Fourteenth Century
The Forgotten Reviver of Madhyamaka Philosophy in Tibet
Red mda’ ba gZhon nu blo gros (1348-1412) spielte eine entscheidende Rolle in der Geschichte der Beschäftigung tibetischer Buddhisten mit der indischen Madhyamaka Philosophie,...
Pali Literature Transmitted in Central Siam
A catalogue based on the Sap Songkhro
„Pali Literature Transmitted in Central Siam“ is a manual of Pali literature. It gives the titles of 529 texts, the majority inscribed on palm-leaf, dealing with Buddhism and...