
Snir, Reuven

Palestinian Theatre

17,0 x 24,0 cm, 256 S., Gebunden
59,00 €

ISBN: 9783895004797

Kurze Beschreibung

The book outlines the development of Palestinian theatre from the first theatrical attempts before 1948, to the heavy blow, which these attempts suffered as a result of the Nakba, to regeneration of the professional theatre out of the ashes of the 1967 defeat, through to the role the theatrical troupes played in the Palestinian nation-building process. The study also provides a glimpse into the nature of the current Palestinian theatrical movement, its artistic framework, the main themes and poetic traits as well as its major sources of influence.

Ausführliche Beschreibung

This is the first book in non-Arabic language on Palestinian drama and theatre. The book outlines the historical development of Palestinian dramatic activities from their hesitant rise before 1948 and the first theatrical attempts to the heavy blow which these attempts suffered as a result of the establishment of the State of Israel, to the regeneration of professional theatre out of the ashes of the 1967 defeat, through to the activities of the 1970s and the role they played in Palestinian nation-building.
It provides a glimpse into the nature of the current Palestinian theatrical movement, the artistic framework within which it developed, its main themes and poetic traits as well as its major sources of influence. The study is essentially an historical one, but the methodology is combined with literary and dramatic perspectives and insights. Emphasis is placed on the historical development of practical theatrical activities and the rise of dramatic literature, with special attention given to the institutions in which those activities took place. An attempt has been made to present in some detail several of the most important dramatic works in the various historical phases.
In addition to an analysis of the written texts, the discussion of the plays also refers to the relevant details of their practical staging. The study includes in-depth investigation of the activities of two major professional Palestinian troupes: the al-Balalin and al-Hakawati, due to the vital effect these troupes have had on the professionaliztion of Palestinian theatre.
The primary audience of the book are scholars and students of Arabic culture and literature, as well as scholars and students of theatre and Palestinian nationalism. The book will also be of interest to intellectuals interested in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Diese Reihe stellt innovative Arbeiten zu den nahöstlichen Literaturen in ihren verschiedenen Epochen und Gattungen vor. Sie versteht sich nicht ausschließlich als ein Forum für Orientwissenschaftler, sondern möchte auch Komparatisten, Literaturwissenschaftlern und einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit Einblicke in das breite Spektrum gegenwärtig produzierter und rezipierter Literatur des Nahen Ostens bieten.
Denn die Herausgeberinnen, Autorinnen und Autoren wollen den Titel der Reihe programmatisch verstanden wissen. Sie gehen von einem Begriff der Weltliteratur aus, der die orientalischen Literaturen nicht nur statisch einbegreift, sondern sie in ein Kulturregionen und Nationalsprachen übergreifendes Spannungsfeld stellt, dessen Dynamik erst im interdisziplinären Austausch erfasst werden kann. Sie gehen ferner davon aus, dass Literaturen in vielfacher Weise intertextuell geprägt sind, dass sie Lektüren verschiedenster vorausgehender Texte darstellen und daher erst in ihrem „lokalen historischen Kontext“ ihren Reiz als Ausdruck einer regional geprägten Ästhetik entfalten können. Die Reihe versucht so, einer neuen Sensibilität für mythische, archetypische, aber auch historische Subtexte in der nahöstlichen Literatur Bahn zu brechen, sie aber gleichzeitig als wichtigen Ausdruck einer globalen kulturellen Mobilität sichtbar zu machen.

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20. Jahrhundert (1900 bis 1999 n. Chr.) (87) || Abou Salem, François || Ballett || Censorship || Darstellende Künste (9) || Darwīš, Maḥmūd (2) || Drama (3) || Film (5) || Israel (48) || Jerusalem (10) || Kunst (45) || Literature (13) || Occupied Territories || Palestinian People || Palästina (49) || Ramallah || Theater (8) || Theaterwissenschaft (8) || Theatre || Troupes || West Bank and Gaza Strip || al-Balalin Troupe || al-Hakawati Theatre